Reviews for Mystique Soldier
Torhelm chapter 9 . 5/30/2024
Unfortunately, I was right. You brought back the parents in a dumb ass way. So they just magically wake up after 6 years from being tortured by the Cruciatas curse? C'mon man, that's just ridiculous. Then you bring in a random twin sister? Where was she supposed to be when Harry was in Durzkaban? Whatever other shitty excuse you have for that, I can't be bothered to read that far. Then you also have a 10 year old Harry lusting after his mom when she gives him a single smile? Yeah, this was a huge waste of time. I'd give this story a 3/10.
Torhelm chapter 6 . 5/30/2024
I tried reading this, but his age is just ridiculous. There's no way a 9 year old has the skillset/mindset that he does. Have you ever met a 9 year old? Even the relatively smart ones are retarded by normal standards, so the fact you have him destroying grown men in combat and in wordplay is just nonsensical. I get that the Hogwarts letter comes at 11, and you wanted to buff him up before he joins the magical world, but I think you could've executed it a little better because it feels more like a SI.

Another big problem I had was that you stated there could be incest in one of your author notes. I don't necessarily have a problem with that, but this family abandoned him at the Dursley's and forgot about him. No matter the excuse you give later, it'd just make the MC look pathetic crawling back to them trying to, "seduce" them as you say.

Anyways, the concept of Harry getting kidnapped by Hydra and experimented on is great, I just think you should've made him a time-traveling Harry or a SI Harry, because a 9 year old CHILD doing the things you are decribing is just nonsense.
Ericaldrius chapter 8 . 5/30/2024
I done do be confuzzled. Ares (Steve rogers) has shown significantly more intelligence than Snape, how the blank blankity blank blank blank can Snape have a 3 digit intelligence score that starts with a 2? Do the stats not actually match the attributes?
Ericaldrius chapter 4 . 5/29/2024
I can't help but think of Valentine from Kingsmen while reading the scene with Ares and Fury. The combination of Valentine and Fury is just... so weird and so very cool. At least three times I thought the line, "You didn't sthop shit!"
Ericaldrius chapter 1 . 5/29/2024
Just started this story, found it to be interesting and will continue reading.

Criticism: the super soldier serum cannot enhance wisdom. Evidence? Captain America and Red Skull, both of whom show a lack a wisdom in most of their forms. Wisdom is gained through experience.

On to the next chapter! Thanks for writing.
Taozalcoti chapter 25 . 5/27/2024
I love this chapter
IsakDemn chapter 25 . 5/18/2024
more please.
incest is fine, but with all the hints give harry a harem
Luke MorningStar11 chapter 25 . 4/29/2024
I loved! Update soon please!
Bronze chapter 1 . 4/17/2024
Most interesting. I've been reading the story Vengeance? No! Avenger! by Deadlandmarshall on . I liked how Harry got two different types of Super Soldier Serum and how it reacted with his magic. I also liked how Hermione got to be She-Hulk in that story. But anyhoo, I can see just how badly hydra has underestimated Harry in this. And just how fast it'll get extremely ugly for them once Harry finishes his training. Which very well could be sooner than they expected he would. Oh well. Sucks to be Hydra!
VamPyr00 chapter 25 . 4/2/2024
Sooooo many criticisms with this chapter.

Harry's thought process is growing more and more convoluted and it shows greatly in his fights. He should have continued to use Gamer's Mind for all serious fights, instead of this stupidity. Toying with his enemies, useless monologues, mid-fight distractions, losing focus, faulty threat assessment, not being cautious enough; these are all things that he should NOT be dealing with, considering all his experience. It seems like, while his level has increased in the wizarding world, his battle instincts and general intelligence have decreased significantly.

There is no logical way the Winter Soldier should have survived that confrontation. It is also HIGHLY doubtful that he couldn't deal with Taskmaster just as easily. He is a PRODIGY with Transfiguration, so he could have just turned the damn suit into wood. The FIRST learned transfiguration spell is used to turn a WOODEN match into METAL needle. Surely he could do the opposite of a standard 1ST YEAR SPELL, even if the metal isn't the exact same!

As for the splinching, that was completely unnecessary. If he had trained properly instead of trying to seduce every random girl he runs into, he wouldn't have an issue side-along apparating the entire team anywhere they need to go. Hell, he could have just brought a portkey that would drop them off at a specified location! Instead, the previously cold, efficient assassin has turned into a sex craved teenager with a terrible sense for priorities.

Honestly, I would be HAPPIER if Natasha died due to his stupidity. I wouldn't really LIKE it, but at least then he would be forced to accept his stupidity and hopefully move past it. As of now, he was able to 'save the day' in the end so I doubt he really learns anything or takes this lesson to heart.

All he had to do to fix ALL of these problems (distractions, toying with enemies, threat assessment, situational awareness, better concentration so he doesn't splinch, etc.) was activate Gamer's Mind. Unfortunately he decided to be a dumbass and rely on his own lackluster emotional control. Why even HAVE Gamer's Mind if he isn't going to make proper use of it anymore? It is an utter waste of space at this point, as he seems to favor Occlumency or simply embracing his emotions rather than using it. As a trained assassin, he should be ashamed of himself.

Overall, I am supremely disappointed in the fight scenes for this chapter. Were all those trained instincts from Hydra completely erased after going to the magical world? Why is he now more worried about breast size than surviving/protecting his important people? Is he going to eventually devolve into a complete psychopathic idiot like Voldemort — toying with all his enemies and spouting useless monologues? In my opinion, this isn't 'Character Development' it is 'Character Devolution'.

My critiques might seem harsh, but this chapter really annoyed me. I have really enjoyed everything up until this chapter, so seeing Harry's subpar performance in these fight scenes feels extremely forced. If you want Bucky Barnes to live so badly, then make a way for him to survive OTHER than some forced plot armor bullshit in the middle of a fight. As for the Taskmaster, the only reason they are alive is for 'PLOT' (aka 80085).
NCC1701D USS Enterprise chapter 25 . 3/28/2024
noooo now I've gotta wait again... oh well love this story, its different. time to fav n follow
Kenand03 chapter 20 . 3/24/2024
God that one paragraph was just *French kiss* Magnifique
Wenstein chapter 25 . 3/16/2024
Amazing story
Orion chapter 22 . 3/16/2024
Thanks for the chapter .
Eger chapter 15 . 3/16/2024
Thanks for the chapter
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