Reviews for Close Quarters
Jansfamily4 chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
YES! Let this become a full story! The possibilities are endless.
Eleoopy chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
Interesting take. Is this a one shot? I hope not after Darcy saved her

Did Charlotte and Maria escaped as well?
Xpochakkox chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
Love the idea. I hope you will continue!
Lauramari chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
What a great intriguing beginning! I hope Charlotte, Maria and the servants are safe. Why was Elizabeth sleeping in her room at such an hour? How did the fire start?
irislim chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
I hope you will continue and complete this! The premise is so intriguing.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
Interesting. What about Maria, Charlotte and the servants? Did they get out of the house too? Lizzy will have no clothes if everything burned or else all her possessions will be smoke damaged. Looking forward to more
nanciellen chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
Fantastic story. I am enjoying this. Thank you so very much.
Colleen S chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
That was exciting!
Hiniwalay chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
“He was not sure he could admire her more than he did as he realized her strength. If only she would wake. How would he survive if she did not wake?”

That’s such an Austen-esque line!

Let it be as long or as short as the story takes you!

I speculate that Darcy’s proposal would be said in a kinder tone this time around, or Elizabeth would doubt that she was not imagining this. Also, very interesting that Darcy isn’t hesitating to tend to her in a very proprietary fashion, but Darcy is a practical man and, anyway, many are too occupied with the smoke.

Would love to see more, whenever you’ve got it!
RHALiz chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
My earlier review...

Fluffy pillows and lumpy bed... hehehehe hehehehe.. very Warm fluffy pillows ... sorry for being insensitive as the Collins house is burning but still IT Is funny...sorry... maybe Anne who might be sickly Or Not, wants a bit of that fluffy pillows herself... hehehe...Can't wait for Lady C and Anne's methods to get Darcy and his errr assets, ermmm, yes his assets for themselves...will Anne be manipulative and cunning to entrap Darcy or would she be kind and doesn't want to marry Darcy?...So many other forks in the story... can't wait... please please give me patience...

Thank you for this new story and please take care!
RHALiz chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
Can't wait... Thank you for this...

Please take care and stay safe
Gigglesnco chapter 1 . 12/7/2021
Oooh, cuddletime with Mr Darcy ;) Good start for a story
Wyndwhyspyr chapter 1 . 12/7/2021
Oh i hope the other ladies made it out as well.
eelarahs chapter 1 . 12/7/2021
Interesting premise! I hope Charlotte and Maria make it out okay!
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