Reviews for The Defensive Space Force Ship Requirement
TK chapter 27 . 12/17/2024
Just found this story and read the first 27 chapters in one go. It's a pretty good story so far, for the most part, but you might want to read up more on the science you are throwing around in the planetary terraforming part, because your plans for Venus (and to some degree also for Mars) would not work.
Venus's atmosphere contains large clouds of sulfuric acid, so there is no way for free iron particles to be floating around in there. And while Hydrogen and CO2 can be used to make water, the catalyst you need for that is Nickel and the other product you end up with is methane (Sabatier reaction), which is a much stronger greenhouse gas than CO2, meaning it would trap heat in the atmosphere even more effectively. Also, at the existing temperatures, your freshly produced water would remain in the form of superheated steam, which would also add to the greenhouse effect. And since you seem to want to introduce Hydrogen by adding Ammonia to Venus's atmosphere (unless I misunderstood?), well, those two are chemically very different things that act in very different ways - meaning: they are not interchangeable. Same goes for adding Ammonia to Mars, btw. Humans can't breath atmosphere that will have at least traces of Ammonia in it without developing medical issues very quickly, so would need filter masks at a minimum.
Fast Frank chapter 56 . 12/15/2024
A lot of fun.
Fast Frank chapter 49 . 12/15/2024
Why is it that so many writers use "Your Highness" when the correct address is, "Your Majesty"?
Fast Frank chapter 35 . 12/14/2024
Reminiscent of "An Unlikely Vangard" but LCDR Angelina was much more Polite than CAPT Harmony. :)
Fast Frank chapter 32 . 12/14/2024
Fast Frank chapter 19 . 12/14/2024
Wonderful chapter.
Fast Frank chapter 14 . 12/14/2024
One tiny error: A reference to Marietta was written as "Josephine".
Fast Frank chapter 10 . 12/14/2024
The A.N. is wrong: Excise taxes were an important part of the government's revues, and an income tax was imposed during the Civil War.
Fast Frank chapter 9 . 12/14/2024
Since the crew has patterns of the space suits the original crew could use, they should have a decent idea of their general size and limb layout.
Fast Frank chapter 4 . 12/14/2024
Of course, Hermione would replicate a book.
imokit chapter 56 . 12/15/2024
Brilliant story!
quaff chapter 30 . 12/13/2024
Brilliant story. I’ve had to force myself to take breaks. Ty.
bookishlady09 chapter 29 . 12/12/2024
I just did my third reading of this story, and I realized that something was missing from this chapter. Where were the Weasley’s? Did they go on the trip with the rest of the families?
AnthonyR89 chapter 56 . 12/6/2024
this chapter was pretty confusing, in telling which Harry and Hermione were which.

which is also part of the reason why I hope you don't really focus on these alternate dimensions. largely because exploring the galaxy and fighting the Go'auld is more interesting than just helping other versions of themselves get their shit together.
AnthonyR89 chapter 52 . 12/6/2024
honestly, at this point, I'd have a certain amount of the fuel depots, say 10%, constantly working on making more fuel depots at all times rather than this haphazard decision making.

also weapons platforms.

though i also think you are close to falling into the same kind of trap that a lot of authors of "gamer" fics fall into, namely, giving out too many numbers that you then have to keep track of, leading to mistakes being made.
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