Reviews for A Gamers Guide to Conquest, Remastered
RiverOffers chapter 9 . 11/10
Rereading again, Going you'll update it someday.
AU1 chapter 9 . 10/28
Im giving you praise and interaction PLEASE drop the next chapter
evilstatistic19 chapter 9 . 10/18
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
0vrLrd71 chapter 9 . 10/11
Kevins a dick, i approve of this plan
bibidibabidiboom chapter 1 . 10/6
we are getting Rogue with this x gene
Kairan1979 chapter 9 . 10/5
Looking forward to see the fallout of Kuro's last actions.
Kairan1979 chapter 6 . 10/5
Natasha's frustration about failing to keep an eye on Kuro was hillarious.
Kairan1979 chapter 4 . 10/5
It's ironic that both White Queen and Black Queen have plans for Kuro.
Kairan1979 chapter 3 . 10/5
I think Kuro needs a more intimidating Dark General than Gnarl.
Kairan1979 chapter 2 . 10/5
Looks like Ben Parker is going to have a Final Destination treatment.
Kairan1979 chapter 1 . 10/5
I wonder what the Avengers thought when they learned Dracula of all people was fighting Chitauri.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/3
heck yeah

hope he gets a sub class in scientist to maybe get magitech with all the anti metal and vibrainium in there

maybe he could have elite mobs if theres a heart shaped herb equivalent there
Guest chapter 9 . 10/2
Whooo! God to be back to overload business. I hadn't even heard of the savage lands but it was enjoyable all the same. I'm excited to see the repercussions of moving it all to his dimension.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/2
Haven’t seen this one in a while. Attacking somewhere not many even know exists was smart though going through a dangerous ritual not so much. He really lucked out that the ritual worked out in his favor
Poseidon93 chapter 9 . 10/4
Thanks for the chapter!
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