Reviews for The Saga of Tanya the Firebender
PlayboyK chapter 16 . 2/1
Great story so far by the way
PlayboyK chapter 16 . 2/1
For the people in the comments, Tanya is literally considered a evil protagonist in her own show, so why are yall getting butt hurt from her being a psychopath in this story
Amelia chapter 7 . 1/30
Sometimes I wish Tanya could just learn a little compassion.
But I love the story so far, great job!
Salko chapter 17 . 1/29
This was Awesome!
Salko chapter 2 . 1/27
Nice touch
Guest chapter 17 . 1/8
The story is decent. It's clearly written with a lot of effort and passion but there's several glaring flaws bringing it down to a point I can't call reading it an enjoyable experience.

Firstly Tanya is pretty much just a psychopath with little of the human elements and thoughts she canonically has to soften it. Tanya made sure to always be following orders, from the rules of war to her superiors orders. Doing stuff on Zhao's orders makes sense. Her killing Zhao is a bit of a stretch but he was backing her life into a corner so I'll swallow that. That when invading the Northern Water Tribe she didn't ask for surrender, didn't do her best to minimise the waste of human lives that war is and let herself get carried away in the rage of war? Very unlike Tanya. In fact Tanya seems to just be getting more bloodthirsty, only a couple of token scenes coming up every now and then to remind us 'hey Tanya actually doesn't like fighting, believe it or not'.

Next is her repeated failures. She complains that the spirits aid Aang letting him slip away should there be the slightest possibility of it. She's right to. She's an exceptional tactician, fighter, planner, etc. so whenever the narrative has to have her lose for the sake of the heroes its really obvious the world is bending backwards to make her fail rather than it being a failing on her part. Is she ever outmanoeuvred? Out planned? Out gunned? Out played? Tricked? Once or twice, but not by enough to ruin things. No the universe lines up just right for things to barely slip out of her fingers time after time. These failures are then abused to socially shackle and punish her. While in character for Ozai he also only does it once so I can definitely swallow that, every other time it keeps coming up I can't help but think "here we go again". It's so hamfistedly obvious it takes me out of the story. Some loses are good for a story, but the variety needs to be improved and she needs some actual solid wins that aren't thrown back in her face. In fact I don't think there's a single thing Tanya has ever won at beyond the first tournament against Azula that you can't say has been worse for Tanya than it has been good, and with the royal bullshit even that's arguable.

Lastly is the growing threat of Mary Sue 2: Electric Boogaloo waiting in the background. Tanya already has a god empowered champion to fight, the narrative doesn't need more but somehow we'll just repeat the worst parts of Tanya canon for ... reasons? Nothing about Being X dragging in Mary Sue again makes this story better. I'll at least give props for the Dai Li brainwashing that will likely put a different spin on things, but I can't say I can give the author the benefit of the doubt either.
adellbaker14 chapter 17 . 1/5
love this one because it was my first Tanya "what if" that i found i hope you will continue this and hopefully more Tanya storys and i hope you all had a happy new year
Rusticsoldier chapter 7 . 12/29/2024
I just want her to catch on that zuko is a real traitor. Find his blue mask or something. I do not want the ending where zuko becomes the fire lord to happen.
skrapsynneh chapter 1 . 12/23/2024
This forst chapter has been enjoyable and sets up the future well. There has not been too much exposition or info bloat which is nice. The world setting hit a nice balance.
Blaze1992 chapter 17 . 11/30/2024
Not how I was hoping she left the fire nation.
MatsumaeTamiko chapter 17 . 11/27/2024
Love the story but i wish tanya didnt get the shit end if the stick everytime. Wish the fire lord knew of his incompetent daughter
MatsumaeTamiko chapter 17 . 11/27/2024
Still doesnt win at all
MatsumaeTamiko chapter 15 . 11/27/2024
Do not read. Tanya never wins
MatsumaeTamiko chapter 2 . 11/27/2024
Another mary sue is here again
Serenacula chapter 17 . 11/24/2024
I wrote a fanfic of your fanfic based on this chapter. s/14415055/1/Tanya-s-New-Leaf

I just had the sudden feeling that this fic has really focused a lot on 'cruel callous' Tanya, and not given a lot of space for 'person who cares deeply about her friends' Tanya. And I just couldn't get it out of my head how I wanted her to respond to what Azula did.

So uhh, I wrote a small fic about it? I hope that's okay! xD
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