Reviews for The Maelstrom Warrior of Earth
PhoenixDragon90 chapter 8 . 2/2
Thanks For The Meal.
Keep Up The Good Work!
ps2boy.zachary chapter 8 . 1/28
ha ha ha nice i found a 2nd top fav with the kingdom hearts/naruto crossover
Mohotton chapter 8 . 1/27
Please continue this story it’s awesome
Incubus 69 chapter 8 . 12/18/2024
Honestly, the out-of-nowhere plot in the game about Vomi being Gero's ex-wife always seemed one of the most forced to me, not to mention that it seems customary for both Dr. Briefs and Dr. Gero to look like they were married to supermodels in their prime, while they look like old men on the verge of death. It would be credible to add a more realistic plot like she was kidnapped for her knowledge in infinite energy that were necessary to create the cyborgs and by the way her memories were manipulated to believe that she was Gero's wife and that she had a son with him (No. 16) just so that she continues helping him with his experiments.
Incubus 69 chapter 7 . 12/18/2024
Finally, I really wish there were more female characters who, in addition to being attractive, could fight to create a "wild" scene when they are a couple. It's a shame that closest to that was No.18/Laluzi who, due to the power of the script, ended up in a relationship with the useless Krilin.
Incubus 69 chapter 5 . 12/18/2024
I love Towa's dominant personality with her memories a lot more, but I definitely want her as the main waifu considering the whole plot started because of her.
Lord Touch Me chapter 1 . 12/13/2024
Honestly, this version of Bulma seems too immature for her current age, she even looks like Maron's older sister who is almost as horny, but even more attractive, I would prefer Towa to be the main pairing, although Chronoa or Vados could be a second best option.
Gilgamesh50 chapter 7 . 11/14/2024
Overly sexualizing a fic is a turn-off for me.

And I'm not saying the fic is bad, btw. It's just that they talk deity to each other in public, and all that is just kind of meh to me.
ZoyeZest chapter 1 . 11/7/2024
Heyya buddy, I hope you are doing good,

I just read your story The Maelstrom Warrior of Earth and I loved it! I'm thinking about adapting it into my comic style or animation and would be super excited to do so, and it will be a commission work, I think you'll really like the results, and maybe you'll even want to share it. by the way, I'm a digital artist open for commissions. I do all sorts of artwork and have some spots available. My rates are fair, and I always deliver high-quality work. If you're interested, let's talk more
My Discord: baran59354
My Twitter : ZoyeZest
My intsa : baran59354
Hope to hear from you soon!
fdms85 chapter 8 . 10/19/2024
que increible espero el siguiente capitulo con muchas ansias. tienes todo mi apoyo saludos.
Sixthdragneel chapter 8 . 10/13/2024
Love the DBZA references
HyperA2019 chapter 8 . 10/12/2024
Looking forward to Chapter 9.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/9/2024
Awesome chapter yet again man keep it up and update again soon as possible The sooner the better Would be appreciated please and thanks.
Joseph chapter 8 . 10/9/2024
Are you ever going to update your Dragon maid story?
Yami Luna Kitsune chapter 8 . 10/11/2024
LOVED this chapter

they REALLY should've taken the antidote

hope vomi/21 returns to her senses

eager for the next chapter
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