Reviews for Son of War
Okaze chapter 30 . 12/28/2023
Gotta admit, that meeting with the Greeks went a LOT better than expected. Kinda glad Kratos doesn't have to pull another pantheon wipe all over again.
Odnoglazyy Rytsar chapter 30 . 12/27/2023
The chapter was good, though one question. With the recently released DLC for Ragnarok does that mean we're getting any call backs to that story for Kratos? Considering a certain sun god should be around within the greek pantheon, so maybe Kratos has a brief interaction considering how annoying he was during the dlc itself?
tyfang360 chapter 30 . 12/27/2023
will that Valhalla DLC be added in upcoming chapters?
Guest chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
I would like to see more of Aphrodite and Atreus together.
Guest chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
Good chap
Yvori Gevura chapter 30 . 12/27/2023
Man what a good chapter, but like most people here im sure, the question is, if you will dedicate a few chapter for the valhalla dlc, i'll be direct, i did have some problems imagining your vercion of kratos to the original but you never deviated mutch, but then that update rolled out and your kratos suddenly become insanely closer to the source, so i hope to see your take on it, see ya next chapter!
scyfly chapter 6 . 12/27/2023
if akeno has not met nor seen kratos then all she knows is that he is a guard for a construction company. so how does she know he has reat power?
HyperExia chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
I really would love to see how these Olympians are different, explored. Perhaps they were as much of assholes in Ancient Greece as they were in the GOW games, but something allowed them to change the way Kratos did, gaining much wisdom and proper morals..?
EdwardG2000 chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
Nice to see you back, and with a great Christmas present too. The scene with the Olympians was tense, you could feel how uncomfortable Kratos was, but it's nice seeing him give them a chance since they are wildly different from the Olympians he knew. Keep up the good work, and I hope you had a good Christmas.
codywhite162 chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
Really glad to see this updated once more :) Excited to read what will come next.
hellfire45 chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next
Jebest4781 chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
Fun entry with how this was done here. Enjoyed how it was done. Can’t wait for more when possible.
Shocknawe 425 chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
I like how you dedicated the Greek gods in this. I got more a sense of the Roman gods here. I also imagine that Kratos’ past will definitely be revealed at some point or another.
Kevin21524596 chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
Epic chapter keep it up!
ReaperOfBalance chapter 30 . 12/26/2023
No doubt Zeus is hoping that Kratos could help them end their enemies fully rather than imprisoning or capturing again and possibly making the mythicals a higher tier on the proverbial food chain. I’m sure there’s plenty of survivors from God’s purging of pantheons that would love to go to war and get revenge and Zeus having a man that can kill a Titan would make them rally to him and make him have a stronger/bigger stick when negotiating with people
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