Reviews for Bonded
Tassadar112 chapter 22 . 2/6
Did I read that right, he cheated on his wife with his mother then they both caught him with his wife’s sister? Well with the amount of inbreeding in pureblood society he fits right in.
Aphmaufanz chapter 65 . 2/6
IJustWannaReadEpicStories chapter 64 . 2/5
wow. 15% of this chapter is Authors Note. thats a huge let down. why are you answering peoples questions in the story and not on pm? if their pm system is blocked, they dont need it answered, only results.
Blueberry Babe chapter 64 . 2/2
great. thanks
Rise of the Vozhd chapter 65 . 2/2
I fuckin love this story binged it in 3 days and completely ruined my sleep schedule but it was worth it!
Guest chapter 65 . 1/31
Interesting chapter. Can't wait for more
Kirito Swordsman chapter 65 . 1/31
id love to see a new chapter
SacredKoopa chapter 65 . 1/31
So help me, is Albus makes Fleur breakup with Harry, I sincerely hope he finds out and verbally shits on the old goat. I love this couple, and it'll be even better when Nym joins.
aesir21 chapter 65 . 1/30
Things are heating up
Guest chapter 64 . 1/28
little prick deserved that for treating his mother like shit.
Orian Durante chapter 65 . 1/30
Ya know... I could Hedwig's not the only one of Harry's companions that could.

Picture this... Dobby ends up with a symbiote, either the same way Carnage bonded to Hedwig or from another Symbiote from the sky.

Just imagine the chaos of it, two symbiote powered, zealous followers of the boy-who-lived. Death eaters beware, cause they're gonna die and get eaten in the worst ways imaginable. the war cries write themselves: "Death to the Death eaters!" :}
nailrebel chapter 65 . 1/28
I want Sirius to suffer from Venom's anger because of him giving up Harry's child to Hagrid to send him to his cruel aunt and uncle, if the children have their godfather, their priority should be children more than revenge for their friends, do you agree with me?
Fire turtle chapter 65 . 1/28
Please help me refresh my memory cause I can’t quite remember. Is Dumbledore evil in this one or is he just incredibly naïve?
yoto chapter 65 . 1/28
bon chapitre
BMS chapter 65 . 1/30

The old goat is up to no good. Hopefully, he'll get a visit from Carnage too.
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