Reviews for I'm Fine
Obsidian Dreamweaver chapter 60 . 10/14/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your story, "I'm Fine," and was truly captivated by its unique narrative and creativity. The depth and imagination in your work inspired me, and I believe it would translate beautifully into a visually compelling comic book.

As a professional comic artist, I would love to collaborate with you to bring your vision to life as a fully illustrated comic. This project would be commission-based, and I would work closely with you to ensure that every page captures the essence of your story.

If this opportunity excites you, I’d be happy to discuss the process in more detail, including pricing, timelines, and any creative ideas you have in mind.

Please feel free to reach out to me via any of the following:

Discord: lydiacrazy
Instagram: lydiacrazy1
Twitter: Lidi18337530019
Email: lydiacrazy88 gmail . com

Thank you for considering this collaboration. I look forward to the possibility of working together to create something truly extraordinary!

Best regards,
Lydia Crazy
Professional Commission Comic Artist
HarryPotteraddict89 chapter 35 . 2/11/2024
I’m reading this in 2024 and I’m obsessed with this story! I can’t stop reading it!
Ish chapter 60 . 1/3/2024
Litrally the best harry potter fic ive ever read! Remus suits being a therapist so much! I think u should write another fic about hermione and exams you made everything seem so is an amazing story,please write more!
AniSlytherin chapter 48 . 12/21/2023
"But alas, that was not an option" nice line!
AniSlytherin chapter 16 . 12/14/2023
thank you
thank you for always pointing out that I truly matter at the start.
I really needed those...
todivya chapter 32 . 9/26/2023
Ah I was kind of thinking you were heading for a Draco -Harry pairing and was surprised to find that I didn't mind it all that much the way it was evolving(am a staunch Hinny shipper). But now they're declared each other cousins and brothers and am finding myself a bit disappointed
Also Harry needs some snogging in his life, just saying

Love love love the fic. Thank you so much for writing. It's deep and moving..a part of me is healing seeing Harry getting treated with as much support as he should have, considering the weight he has to shoulder!
scaredy.void69 chapter 1 . 9/24/2023
maria.marin.magdalena123 chapter 36 . 8/2/2023
Oh my gosh, that's just so sad and hard! A heavy one...
Anyways, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you and how much you matter! You're a great person! You're amazing! Ilysm! You deserve so much good things! Please, continue being the amazing person you are! We love you! We're glas you're here! I mean it!
I'm probably too cheesy, but you matter so much!
Hope you're better now! You deserve good things! If you ever need/want to talk or vent, I'm here for you!
I'm so proud of you!
Being pasive suicidal is really a lot!
As a pasive (sometimes active) suicidal, I had pretty much experience to be honest. I didn't get hospitalized, but I was thinking about it and I'd give it a shot if I'd need... Sending strenght and motivation to you! Sorry for venting!
I'd want to add that I'm here for you!
Now have to go doing some chores, but I'll definitely be here quite soon I guess!
All my love to you!
Guest chapter 44 . 7/23/2023
"I know that, but that's still a really insightful comment. Are you sure, Harry?" Remus asked.

Harry nodded. "Yeah. I mean I'm upset you kept it from me, but I prolly would've done the same if it were my kid. I don't like things kept from me."

It's spelt Probably not Prolly
Guest chapter 42 . 7/22/2023
I think you meant to say Sirius, not Lupin

"Of course. I'll get to some paperwork, but just call if you need anything," she said as she bustled away with eyes that seemed suspiciously full of tears.

Remus and Lupin stayed by Harry. They sometimes talked to each other and sometimes sat in silence, but didn't leave his side.
Guest chapter 38 . 7/22/2023
I think you missed a word here.

"I know, Sirius. I know. He really is doing better, though. I am of the progress he is making."
Guest chapter 38 . 7/22/2023
Not entirely sure what you meant in this paragraph, but I don't think you meant to say someone...

"If Harry someone even tries to go over the edge, on purpose or on accident, he is stopped, a net appears, and I can be there in a second," Remus further explains.
Guest chapter 35 . 7/22/2023
Towards the end of this paragraph, you put later instead of lasted.

Harry did just that. He found his calm emotion and allowed it to fill his body. Then, Harry got on his broom and started flying. Time exists differently in one's mind. It could've been thirty seconds or it could've been thirty minutes or somewhere in between when Harry felt a slight tug on his mind. It wasn't that hard to ignore as he kept flying. Really, he's flown in much worse conditions. Every so often the tug would become stronger and Harry would hold on tighter to his broom, concentrating even more on flying. Harry thought he was doing well. He had no idea how much time had passed, but he knew that he'd later longer than he'd ever had before in a lesson with Snape.
Guest chapter 31 . 7/21/2023
You missed words towards the end of this paragraph.

Sirius, not even hesitating, picked his trembling godson out of the water and started to head back towards the shore. Remus ran back and grabbed a towel out of the bag they brought. He set it down and grabbed another one to wrap around Harry. He wandlessly put a slight warming charm on it and was ready when Sirius set Harry wrapped the warm towel around Harry and wrapped his arms around him.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/15/2023
Harry yawned, despite sleeping most of the day. His magical core was still recovering.

"Harry, why don't you finish this tomorrow? You should get to sleep?" Sirius said gently.

Harry weakly shook his head. He picked up his quill and yawned again. "Harry, come on, cub. I'll tuck you in." Remus said, gently taking the quill out of Remus' hand.

Wrong name at the end!
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