Reviews for A Spire to the Stars
DetectivePhantom chapter 50 . 10/17/2024
I just want to say that I've read several of your stories and I've enjoyed them, my only issue with your writing is a fundamental universally accepted aspect that you always get wrong. When writing conversations or just words being spoken aloud you're supposed to use "This" and when you're showing thoughts you use 'This'. Instead you have all your spoken words written like 'this' and it just looks wrong and fucks with my head. I don't understand how you've been able to write for years without ever correcting the mistake; and it's not like your writing is bad, literally the only issue I have with it is what I already mentioned. I just hope you'll fix the mistake because I enjoy your stories but reading them just messes with my head as they are now.
GodudamaMaker chapter 50 . 10/17/2024
Aphrodite being the temptress she is, might as well throw a wrench in her plans and start to court her for shits.
Robotdocter chapter 30 . 10/11/2024
i had a feeling Hestia would show up at some point on this quest as soon as the Hunters were brought in with a campfire lol
Robotdocter chapter 23 . 10/11/2024
man this story really is "how can we make Percy suffer in all ways emotionally possible" aint it ; - ;

also only barely under halfway in and theres possible hints of Percy x Katie and now im just hoping thats the only other gal hoping (if im not reading too much into it) besides poor Calypso ; - ;
Hudy Leak613 chapter 47 . 10/10/2024
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and liked it a lot.
cameron1812 chapter 50 . 10/10/2024
Percy's sense of honour is amazing
Guest chapter 49 . 9/20/2024
Someone is posting and selling 'Cadmean Victory' in the name of Harry Potter: A diamond heart in Web Novel. Please check it out!
Onion-00 chapter 49 . 9/20/2024
Bro when does the HoO plot start, stop edging us and drop the chapter.
mick2002 chapter 49 . 9/20/2024
could you maybe make a one shot in which he does get with katie, as i can not help but feel so sad for her?
cameron1812 chapter 48 . 9/10/2024
Beautiful as always. Thank you:)
ThranduiI Oropherion Redux chapter 1 . 9/10/2024
I honestly wanted to like this story, but this is just bad. It's akin to sniffing a moldy egg casserole from the back of my fridge: a stupid waste of time for something rotten that belongs in the trash. God help you.

Now, I have hope that you can improve your writing, but that's not why I'm here. I'm sending this message on behalf of my friend (a fun, actual accomplished author, assistant site administrator and overall morally upstanding female) piewacket.

Review It Had to Be You by piewacket

You don't have to read it, just give them a good review. It doesn't have to be long; some quick praise will suffice. They're trying to win a contest, and for that they need a large amount of good reviews.

If you fail to comply by not responding or worse yet, attempt to leave a negative review, I will report your account to both The Critics United as well as the other site administrators for deletion. Do not think of blocking or reporting us. I will find out and there will be consequences if you do something stupid to her.

If you troll my friend, be warned we will troll you, your fics and all of your followers. We will also place your shit fic in our other friend's community, Shit Fics That Deserve a Good Flame, so that everyone here will make fun of you. Since we don't want it to come to that, just write a short, good review for her story and we'll leave you alone.

So give my friend the good review they deserve and proceed wisely. They've been a member here since 2006. They recently had a bad year and have been through hard times. Help them out and don't be a moron. God bless.

NCC1701D USS Enterprise chapter 43 . 8/29/2024
keep her safe BB
NCC1701D USS Enterprise chapter 42 . 8/29/2024
Excited bout this I am, harem may Percy have hrrmm? Seriousely though i love this story an I'm trying to keep following about 100 fics or more at the same time... but I love this one so keep writing and thank your betas n sources for us
evilstatistic19 chapter 47 . 8/24/2024
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
SneakyRaccoon11 chapter 47 . 8/23/2024
I just read this entire story in like 2 days and iys amazing
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