Reviews for You Screamed For So Long We Forgot To Care Anymore |
EmmaLaufyson21 chapter 1 . 4/7/2022 I love this story so much, thanks for writing! can't wait for the next chapter! |
DroidePlane chapter 3 . 3/29/2022 Dream Plane here, man this chapter was crazy (in a good way)! I wasn't expecting the Chitauri to come back AND (possibly) capture Thor! I'm super scared for everyone now. XD Poor Steve and Natasha though. I hope they get some real rest in before everything really starts to go down. Great chapter! |
Courtesy Trefflin chapter 3 . 3/28/2022 I’m not surprised that it’s rather rubbing Clint wrong that so many SHIELD agents are going out of their way to show off their weapons or just be nasty to Loki, in general. I mean, it makes sense given what Loki did (willingly or not), but still ouch. Poor Loki. Also, given that Clint has been around Loki for the past five months, I’m unsurprised that he feels a little uncomfortable with the way Loki is being treated. I’m glad that Natasha and Steve are there. The Avengers (sans Thor) are back together again. That’s probably good. I agree with Tony, though. Steve, at the very least, should be in medical. I love the Avengers’ friendship so much! They are such an awesome family, to me. Lol. Them joking about how a wandering star is not the “kidnapper” of the scepter was hilarious. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that Fury was wondering if the strange gamma radiation readings were because of Asgard… or that Loki is hiding something that he knows. Half the fun of this is not knowing what’s going on in Loki’s head. Lol. Good to know that there’s a civil war in Asgard… which Loki didn’t know about. That’s not going to go over well… Also, I don’t blame Clint for thinking that Loki would be delighted about the war. I rather expected Loki’s reaction, though. Chitauri taking the scepter is not good at all. I have a bad feeling about this… It definitely makes sense that the Chitauri took Thor. Yikes. I have to agree with Tony and Clint though; the Avengers should have been told about the Chitauri. I’m glad that Loki explained how the Chitauri actually operate. I don’t blame Fury for refusing to let Loki speak to the captive Chitauri… although I absolutely bet that Loki will find a way to speak with them given that Thor is in danger. I can’t wait to see what will happen next! I loved this chapter! :D |
SunDance Lokidottir 11 chapter 3 . 3/26/2022 Okay, hopefully this review goes through. I love this chapter. The fact that the Chituari are all connected makes perfect sense. I always wondered how there were Chituari in Endgame, because they came from 2014, after New York. I absolutely love where this is going and can't wait until the next chapter! |
EmmaLaufyson21 chapter 1 . 3/19/2022 amazing! can't wait to read the rest! |
Courtesy Trefflin chapter 2 . 3/10/2022 Loki’s torture was simply horrible! He never deserved any of that. Oof. I can’t understand how anyone could be sadistic enough to torture someone for fun. I’m glad that Clint woke up from that. It must be horrible to not be able to simply get a single night’s sleep because of the constant nightmares. And Loki screaming in the middle of the night like that… I’m betting it has to do with the nightmare Clint was having (that Loki was probably having too). I’m not surprised that Bruce was already with Loki, trying to calm him down and snap him out of the flashback. Or that Tony came running in there as well. I bet everyone around (to say the least) was waken up from Loki screaming. I wonder why Loki responds better to Steve than the others. Thor makes sense, of course. I feel bad for all three of the Avengers, feeling so helpless and unsure what they can even do to help Loki. Loki needs a hug. And therapy. Ouch. I don’t blame Clint for wanting to go on a murdering spree in Asgard. I kinda do too. Lol. I’m glad that Clint was able to distract Loki and snap him out of the flashback. Poor Clint just needs to sleep. And Loki. And probably everyone. I like that Natasha called Clint. I don’t even want to know how Steve got himself so badly injured, but at least he’ll be okay. I’m glad that Natasha told Clint the real reason they went to France as well as the problem that they’re now facing. This is just looking worse and worse by the moment… Maybe it was for the best that Clint didn’t know about the scepter any earlier given how rightfully scared he is of it. I’m not surprised that Maria came to get the Avengers and Loki to search for the scepter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next! I loved this chapter! :D |
Dream Plane chapter 2 . 3/9/2022 Oh MAN! 2 chapters in and already things have heated up. I can’t wait to see what happens next! |
aiah121312 chapter 2 . 3/8/2022 Great chapter! I can't wait for a new chapter to come out, |
penguinofthewaddles chapter 2 . 3/6/2022 Loved this chapter! Poor loki! Glad he’s with ppl who might understand though, as Clint was mind controlled and nat and tony were tortured so they probably understand even if they can’t talk with him like his brother…hopefully they’ll find Thor soon! |
SunDance Lokidottir 11 chapter 1 . 3/4/2022 I thought I reviewed, but it's not here so if you get two for the same chapter, apologies. Anyway, I loved this chapter! I'm definitely interested in where this is going. I loved that flashback in the beginning. "Their family is so messed up." Acute observation, you don't know the half of it Clint. I loved that line. "He wanted Loki hurt. He didn't want him broken. Grilled cheese." Yep. Sorry, Clint, but yeah. "Odin is a sadistic coward." That line physically hurts because it's so true. "Okay, this isn't therapy." I don't think there's a therapist qualified for them anyway... Again, I love where this is going and can't wait for the next chapter! |
hellomynameisv chapter 2 . 3/4/2022 sandwiches as a coping mechanism. I approve. also you definitely drew me in with the flashback/dream at the beginning. great chapter! |
Courtesy Trefflin chapter 1 . 2/21/2022 I love Clint/Laura so much, partially because I always see Clint and Natasha as siblings, and partially because Laura is awesome, but I don’t mind them being written as a pairing either. - Jane calling Clint because Thor is missing and hasn’t showed up for three days is… well, I’ll consider trusting her instincts, though she does seem rather paranoid. Lol. I do feel bad for Clint though, wanting to avoid being at Avengers Tower and everyone (like Loki) who is there. Given everything that’s happened since the Battle of New York, it makes sense that everyone is just pretending to be okay, even though they’re not. Clint reflecting on how Loki and Thor argue was interesting, because their brotherly dynamic has always been… different. Clint talking to Jane was interesting though. I really feel bad for Clint, hiding out in an old office and trying to ignore the reality of how vivid and terrifying his nightmares are becoming since Loki came back to Earth. Clint being so late to the briefing probably isn’t good, though. I’m worried about how his dreams are bleeding to daytime. At least Clint sort of told Tony about it when he asked. And that he told him about Jane calling him. I’m not really surprised that Thor brought Loki back to Earth to hide him there and is now convinced everyone to cover for his brother’s location. I wonder what happened to Loki on Asgard. I don’t blame Clint for poking at Loki like that, but I do feel bad for Loki, because he doesn’t deserve that. I hope Clint will be able to… get some proper rest sometime soon, without nightmares invading his mind. I wonder what’s happened to Thor though… Clint seeing Loki’s torture through his eyes like that is horrifying. I feel so bad for Clint, having to live through all of that. Oof. I can’t wait to see what will happen next! I loved this first chapter so, so much! :D |
aiah121312 chapter 1 . 2/21/2022 Please post a new chapter soon, the plot is great, and so is the discribing. We will all wait til you post a new chapter, be it a year, or tommorow, we will wait. |
Wesa chapter 1 . 2/19/2022 This is good! Looking forward to the next chapter. |
SunDance Lokidottir 11 chapter 1 . 2/17/2022 This was great, I love where it is going! Looking forward to more! |