Reviews for On the Other End of the Line
angelicalkiss chapter 4 . 5/31/2022
man that Madison was a piece of work. she would not take the hint! love how Ned stood his ground. still not a fan of his but it was nice to see him be loyal to his girlfriend.
angelicalkiss chapter 3 . 4/25/2022
so different seeing Bess' mother in a story. I don't think I even saw her in N any incarnation! something new! this was such a sweet story. reminds me of the relationship with my mom. good story!
Torchwood Cardiff chapter 1 . 4/24/2022
Love this idea!
MargaretA66 chapter 3 . 4/24/2022
Savvy chapter 3 . 4/23/2022
Glad you updated this! :)
angelicalkiss chapter 2 . 3/27/2022
I wish I knew that much about cars. I know zero, zilch, nada when it comes to cars. lol
angelicalkiss chapter 1 . 3/27/2022
ned definitely trusts nancy as he should. she is everything he explained she is and more. I've never played any of the games so I'm not sure the context on the case she's on however I have read the book called secrets can kill and it sounds about the same. good little one-shot
Savvy chapter 1 . 3/17/2022
This is good! Very interesting spin on what’s happening in the games! :)