Reviews for Change In Winds
Pat9921 chapter 5 . 2/3
so shitty dude so shitty
Pat9921 chapter 5 . 2/3
hahahahaahahahahahahah fucking give him everything at this point dude. guve him every fucking kekkei genkai that exists the way you are going.
i just got to the part where kushina is talking the absorption part and holy shit you are actually doing that! ahahahahahahahahahahjahahahahaahah
Pat9921 chapter 4 . 2/3
this is some gary stu level bullshit.
i thought the fights would atleast been interesting but nooooo you don't even describe their fighting just saying they are doing stuff. just fone and you expect people to join your patreon for this shit.
Pat9921 chapter 3 . 2/3
what the fuck are you talking when we see kakshi talk to zabuza and others would also hear him and zabuza talking after the fight and zabuza leaves so what the fuck are you writing dude,missing words,weird ass grammar sometimes active sometimes passive voice.
also just horrible character writing,you can't just decide on what characterisations you are keeping,you keep forgetting then dude. wtf!
tamaraniantuesday chapter 2 . 1/24
To add onto an earlier criticism I don't think it's necessary for a fictional person to get raped just so Naruto has an excuse to kill bandits, I think it'd be more compelling if he just did it and fucked up on his first endeavor, either taking a blade to the body or accidentally killing a hostage, it will allow him to grow
tamaraniantuesday chapter 2 . 1/24
You know you don't have to make sakura worse right? She was already pretty bad in the source material, why not keep her the same at the beginning and build up her usefulness?
Dylan-Gomez chapter 20 . 1/23
thanks for continuing! needed another chapter.
Srecko chapter 19 . 11/2/2024
love this story
shapeshifter340 chapter 19 . 11/1/2024
great new chapter cannot wait to see what happens next continue this as soon as possible please
my 2 guys chapter 18 . 8/3/2024
that was great would like to know what happens in the story please
Guest chapter 18 . 7/27/2024
please update it is a great story and i would like to read more
Diegodadamooo1901 chapter 1 . 4/28/2024
Why have u made them pass so fast for them to fight orichimaru anyway
eepycommentor chapter 13 . 4/6/2024
this 12 y/o kage met 3 kages
MDZ chapter 18 . 4/2/2024
When tje new one out? It has been looooooonnngg,,,,,
HyperA2019 chapter 18 . 3/7/2024
Looking forward to Chapter 19.
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