Reviews for Bagsy Beetlehorn and the Thorned Gauntlet (Book 1)
hpfanfictionreader chapter 26 . 9/8/2022
This is so creative and well done! It took me right back to the world of Harry Potter. I'm looking forward to continuing the series!
BluePink chapter 1 . 6/27/2022
I just finished book three and will come back to review the books because they are really good. Has the same feel as the HP books, but like with new characters and all. Just release book four already please I can't wait!
Naranjamarilla chapter 26 . 5/11/2022
This was like reading HP for the first time. But i'm 30 now!
So glad a friend recomended it. Totally worth the time.
w.i.t.c.h.aholic chapter 26 . 4/19/2022
While this was very original, it felt more like an original work taking place in Hogwarts. Everything except for most spells wasn't in the books. I don't think any of the potions were in the books either though I believe the wiggenweld is from the games. I think you should work on making this an original work to publish instead of writing it as fanfiction(and I have tips if you're interested).
Luthar chapter 21 . 4/18/2022
Any chance I could get the books in PDF or in a file?
Y started reading and sounds promissing, but i would rather continue on my e-book.

Thanks in advance and great work.
dumbledorewannabe chapter 26 . 3/26/2022
I've enjoyed this story and your original characters, original magical topics and flowing writing style. But I am left with so many questions. What's up with Bagsy's spell-casting situation? Seems that we are waiting an unusually, and mildly annoying, long time to find out. There are no familiar names (at least not yet) at Hogwarts - just when in time are we? (Or is it an AU?) Why is Mezrielda such a giant pain in the rear? (...the bit of redemption at the end notwithstanding.) Will Bagsy make some progress with her social anxiety, and will she ever choose to join her classmates in the dorm? And when, for the love of God, will Bagsy finally, FINALLY, try to use her walnut wand?! But! I see that you have written the whole series already, and I am willing to be patient and see if we can start to figure some things out, bearing in mind that Queen JKR also was into the whole slow-build thing. I'm telling myself that, like JKR, you have it all planned, and will keep reading!
tejontt chapter 4 . 3/12/2022
This keeps getting more confusing, I understand holding information for a future payoff but you also need to throw something at the reader to keep the interest.
Emanresuer chapter 26 . 3/11/2022
haven't reviewed till now but hOLY SHIt I loved this. Interesting plot and good writing. I had fun trying to figure out what was happening along with Bagsy ans coming up with theories. I can't wait for the rest