Reviews for Spirit Magic
yinyangren chapter 1 . 1/17/2006
o... can i see the drawing? _ i really like! is this story gonna be over soon? there IS 40 chapters... -;; the problem is reading it... -;; xD

my email address is: stella.

thank u!

humuhumu chapter 2 . 1/15/2006
Um, this may be a bit too late, but can I see the pic of Wizard Kurama? Sorry, I missed the author's note *sweatdrop* btw, great story! I love it.
yokokuramayoko chapter 40 . 1/6/2006
That was an awsome story .I chose not to review until I read the whole thing. I think you should keep going keep writing the story PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IT IS A VERY VERY VERY GOOD STORY.
Dragon chapter 1 . 12/28/2005
Great story so far, except you made a mistake about Harry Potter. You wrote that he has brown hair, but in the books Harry has black hair.
PlantRuler chapter 40 . 12/24/2005
Well I'm a fan of your work, and it doesn't help that kurama is my favorite Yu Yu Hakusho character either.

This story isn't completely farfetched as I thought it would be the first time I read it and it goes along well. there were some instance were Kurama were a bit Out of character but I guess we could give dynamics to his character, after all he couldn't stay that clam anyways.

Though from what I gather is that you're pairing him with Botan, which to my opinion is like the worst pairing for Kurama that I have ever heard off. But then again it goes with one's preference.

keep up the good work and update when you can.
Bloodyblade666 chapter 2 . 12/22/2005
good fic
RyaSanada chapter 37 . 12/21/2005
I understand the Army problem! Between ROTC Army, college and writers blook, it makes for crappy stories. Not to mention that character's that start Mary-Sue like end up being complex can royally screw up a story to people who hate them. I'm greatly enjoying your work! Keep it up!
Yuki Amida chapter 40 . 12/15/2005
Update again soon! This is possibly the best YYH/HP crossover I have ever come across... For one, it makes compete sense, and has no loose strings that I can see. Second, the personalities are mostly correct, except where you have changed it, but all started out as the original. And you have a good mix of everything, not exaggerating certain emotions, or situations. And you're not Cliche on certain aspects. Keep up the good work!
yamiKistune chapter 40 . 12/15/2005
This is a stupendous story! I love it! I can't wait for the next chapter. It will be very interesting to see how it all turns out. You are a very good fanfiction writer and good at developing plots.
anime-vampiress chapter 1 . 12/15/2005
Too good to be true. Love the explanations.
lunashevenlywacher chapter 1 . 12/9/2005
Aww... soo... sad at first... I like it though I will cotinue to read on! _!
ToboeShi chapter 40 . 12/6/2005
I truly cannot wait for the next installment in the seires! you are a truly amazing author. I enjoy the story 'Spirit Magic'and wish i had this much writing talent. I really like the twists you put in the story and I want you to know, since you said you were in the Army, that we are proud of you and our U.S. Military. It probly sounds sort of strange for a stranger to say that to you, but my family is big in the military and I understand how much it can mean. Thank you and hope to see more of you soon.

P.S.- whats it like in Alaska?

Eternally, Nocturnally yours,

ToboeShi of Shadows
Revolutionjack chapter 1 . 11/27/2005
ah I realize what I did wrong last time... didn't leave an email address... kks I'd really like to see the picture
darkdranzer chapter 1 . 11/13/2005
are yuo ever going to update this?:(
peppymint chapter 40 . 11/3/2005
You're killing me?

When will the next chapter be out?
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