Reviews for Spirit Magic
kkk chapter 21 . 6/3/2008
oh! i loved the last part! lol. kurama's being so mysterious and everything! love it! 0
kkk chapter 3 . 6/3/2008
i think the fic's really nice so far . but i noticed you stopped updating,, please update! i think it's a story worth finishing
Jumpingbeans480 chapter 40 . 5/8/2008
Wow i love your story come on please update! 100/100

Please update!
JumpingBeans480 chapter 1 . 5/7/2008
Why did he have to cut his hair? It was red and so beautiful! ~I mean Ron has red hair in the book but they never said anything about it.
Sonia120462 chapter 40 . 3/2/2008
really, really good! I love how you portrayed Kurama's character! Update soon!
Aquawyrm chapter 40 . 2/29/2008
Pity it won't be finished...I stayed up late to read something that'll never have a conclusion. What a bummer.
Aadiana chapter 40 . 2/29/2008
WOAH!This story, when I first found it, had over 20 reviews!I couldn't help myself but see what was so interesting about this story. Now I know. It's so amazing, so cool, so full of suspense. Hope you update soon!
lazy.aces chapter 40 . 1/15/2008
This is really good! If not a little confusing. Update soon!
itsamimi chapter 40 . 1/14/2008
Wow, I really like your story! I hope you update soon because it's such a great story and I'd love to see it completed. Keep up the great work!
Blackdex chapter 14 . 12/17/2007
Not my cup of tea. ciao
CelestialMoonDragon chapter 40 . 11/7/2007
Cool! this is one of the best YYH/HP xovers ever! write more!
Tearainy chapter 1 . 11/6/2007
How could you do thatto Kurama kuns precious locks? I mean I could never write anything to ruin that fantastic hair! How did you do it? It made me so sad just thinking about it!
Crosslit.Heavens chapter 40 . 8/19/2007
I really love your story! I have no complaints with the lot or anything else. _ Your charecter development is wonderfull, and I like your style. Are you going to finish it? I certainly hope so.
Xariel1107 chapter 1 . 7/9/2007
I really really like this story. It has definitely been an inspiration. I hope you continue with it; in my opinion this story rivals 'the best defense' That one coming first only for it being completed. I bet once this one's fininshed it will be my all time favorite hp/yyh crossover.

Good luck with completing it;I'm really anxious to know what will happen next.
KB Twilight chapter 40 . 6/28/2007
I'm not sure if this fic has been abandoned or not, which is sad as I really enjoyed it.

I do have a question though. As it hasn't been updated in so long I've started to write my own ending in my head, placed in my xover universe. I was wondering if you would mind my using the same concept (with complete credit given) in another story (if I ever get far enough in my series to write it)? Just the parts about Kurama on a solo mission and him being Black's son/Snape's nephew. You got me too hooked on it, I can't get the idea out of my head.
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