Reviews for Enter the Wyrm
baron sanmdi chapter 10 . 2/10
it's hilarious
Bobboky chapter 10 . 1/24
So very classy and funny.
Eurasian chapter 10 . 12/20/2024
Needed more of Taylor suggestively wanting to eat cute men up
E1adar chapter 10 . 11/23/2024
Damn near hurt myself laughing through this. Thanks
dreaddragonknight chapter 1 . 11/18/2024
Not how I expected a Dragon!Taylor fic to start but damn is it funny in its own way
GamerBlood chapter 10 . 11/8/2024
Sabes, en cualquier otro universo tener este tipo de final arruinaría la historia, en este se siente extrañamente satisfactorio
MirabelleMidnight chapter 10 . 10/31/2024
That was a wild ride that had me laughing from start to finish. Well done.
Ariel Juarez chapter 10 . 10/27/2024
Ariel Juarez chapter 2 . 10/26/2024
smittenoakley123 chapter 10 . 9/17/2024
honestly this is the best worm fic iv read xD
jackreid2004 chapter 10 . 9/11/2024
Couldn’t stop laughing
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 5 . 9/5/2024
Unfortunate decisions lead to unfortunate consequences. Hands are a privilege.
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 2 . 9/5/2024
Muahahahaha! This is fantastic.
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 1 . 9/5/2024
Oh dear.
Charanko Pebble chapter 10 . 8/30/2024
Awesome story, thanks for writing it!
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