Reviews for Harry Potter and the GUI
Shandrakor chapter 70 . 2/13
a good read, not to gamer focused so a good mix.
sid99 chapter 6 . 2/1 are breaking way too many rules about gamers its not even funny. sorry, i wanted to enjoy this story, even more so cause it is well detailed and something new should have stopped with just informing Hermione about the game powers. i wish you luck in any other fics you write :D
sid99 chapter 2 . 2/1
hmmm, looks good so far but already made a huge blunder -_- you tell NO ONE about the gaming system, let alone a young hermione who has an obsessive need to be in control, know everything and runs to authority figures for everything...kind of a major fuck up. lets see if you can make it work and not through forced plot BS XD otherwise, a decent story, well detailed and a not damn near stupid Harry for once :D
TigerCat chapter 70 . 1/31
Nicely done! This is quite possibly the best Gamer interface fanfiction I've seen.
TigerCat chapter 61 . 1/30
TigerCat chapter 58 . 1/30
You tortured Sirius for nothing. That's just mean.
TigerCat chapter 47 . 1/30
BLATANT BALDUR'S GATE 1! Do you know how many godforsaken times I heard, "You must gather your party before venturing forth"?
hdres chapter 70 . 1/26
Great story. I enjoyed every twist and turn. Thank you
hdres chapter 61 . 1/25
This is such a clever and imaginative story. I like how you have changed the events following Harry’s intervention. I also like how he has his guild around him helping all the time. Thank you for sharing your story
hdres chapter 26 . 1/24
I like all the quests and how Harry is seeing progress for all the marauders. Thank you for sharing your story
hdres chapter 21 . 1/24
A really interesting and fun story. I like how Harry has jumped so many steps to get to the same results. Thank you for sharing your story
mllememoire chapter 52 . 1/21
I've really enjoyed this fic so far. The Azkaban arc was so much fuckin fun! Thanks for writing this and sharing it with us.
Lawhai chapter 14 . 1/19
That's an interestingly strange way of doing input sanitation. Normally you'd just make it impossible for the input to act as commands.
envirosue chapter 70 . 1/16
This was done well, it’s always how you end an epic story that determines whether a fic is good or fantastic. You nailed the ending, well done. Thank you for the time and effort you put into writing this, I sincerely appreciate your talents.
envirosue chapter 54 . 1/15
I had wondered if you’d show the trauma Harry should have had at being part of destroying a building with people in it.
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