Reviews for Shed no Grace on Me
Damien Void Lucifer chapter 35 . 3h
Yeah so far a great chapter I've been reading this since it first came out and see it all the way at 35 chapters is crazy and honestly I'm loving this can't wait to see their reaction when they find out he's married and that nightmare that he had maybe it was a premonition who knows loving it and great chapter
Fabricimo chapter 35 . 2/13
Loved it cant wait for the next chapter
guzmangalianoalejandro chapter 11 . 2/12
Esto debería llamarse "Naruto, y sus 100 esposas del elden"
Shadow chapter 35 . 2/12
Great chapter, absolutely loved it!
Carter2424 chapter 35 . 2/7
I finally caught up and it was so worth it! Great chapter and awesome story cant wait to see whats next, keep up the good work!
itsasecreat9 chapter 35 . 2/7
Hey bro thjs is my first review, and i'm glad i wrote it for this one. Interesting idea and well made plot, really loved the pace of the story and it helped me to finish 35 chapters in one go. Loved it and expecting more of this. Take care
Alphasdragon chapter 35 . 2/5
hey, very good chapter, I'm sorry to comment so late but between work, games and the immense amount of fic that I have pending to read, I had been delayed, I hope to see more of this story and that you can finish it well, it would be a shame if a story like this can't be completed. keep up the great work.
THEGREATSILVERWOLF1 chapter 35 . 2/3
I would love to see this updated more often, it’s a good fic and deserves it
Link0011 chapter 35 . 2/3
I remember reading and favouriting this story not long after you first published it, with that in mind, I just read every chapter that’s available in pretty much one sitting. I’m enjoying the story, I hope you update it again soon.
Sheidbduska chapter 9 . 2/2
Lovin it, by far the best elden ring crossover fic ive read. Your use if Narutos character perfectly fits the setting hes in currently. Keep up the amazing work.
Fabricimo chapter 35 . 2/2
Love the story so far listen to it in one go
Aausdmr chapter 35 . 1/29
Please continue updating your stories. You are incredibly talented, it would be a crime to not have these beautifully crafted stories end as they should from demotivation. Thank you for your hard work and talent.
Guest chapter 35 . 1/29
I can't wait for the next Chapter.
updates more chapter 35 . 1/28
This story is beautifully written between fun and fights everything is good ; hope to have more interactions between naruto and lansseax / renala / ranni
Imperial539 chapter 35 . 1/28
Sorry for the late review, life has decided to be VERY hectic over the last few days. I always love seeing you update the stories I follow, even if it takes me a while to get to them...
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