Reviews for The Fox and the Hare
Azathot chapter 3 . 7/1
i side with Kiba
Azathot chapter 2 . 7/1
So the Naruto that reincarnated is form a doom reality Looking forward to seeing how it goes
Azathot chapter 2 . 7/1
Ahhh so sweet
Devashish Karatolios chapter 7 . 6/30
That itchiness… Naruto’s gonna grow more tails isn’t he? How poetic
Zero4590 chapter 8 . 6/26
Trickyreadz chapter 4 . 6/25
every fic gets the robots wrong they all have a red button on the back to disable them for points besides the zero pointer
Guest chapter 31 . 6/20
I don’t think you need to worry about putting lemons on here since people are still doing it. So I think you can put them back here.
BOBbyboy177336 chapter 47 . 6/10
man pls dont make this sad
Borello chapter 47 . 6/4
really good work
Derpysense chapter 47 . 6/6
Fuck yes
HelloEver22 chapter 47 . 6/5
And the relationship is sealed! Still my favorite crossover ship!
Guardian of the Inheritance chapter 47 . 6/4
Good job keep it up
Guest chapter 47 . 6/3
How many more chapters are left in this story, cause I imagine that there aren’t many? Please include a proper Epilogue, with LOTS of little ones running about! I wonder if we will ever figure out what happened that resulted in so many people getting reincarnated in this world after Kaguya won and destroyed the Elemental Nations, and why Kurama is still with Naruto after he was ripped out of him and absorbed by Kaguya?
Spartan0007 chapter 47 . 6/4
I have a question, where do I publish lemon?
Afro1Ninja8 chapter 47 . 6/4
Great chapter a bit of lightness before the heavy war. Can’t wait to read the next one.
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