Reviews for The Fox and the Hare |
![]() ![]() ![]() RIP Aoyama. Can't say I'll miss you. It's nice that Izuku and Mirko are now so open about their relationship. I really don't like how Minato used his quirk so publicly. I'm really afraid All for One will come for their family. Naruto's a great big brother. He did his best to protect Eri's secrets and not let anyone know. He even made Izuku swear and he didn't told him the full extent of her powers. Not only can she bring back the dead, she's certainly not limited to five days. Huh... Naruto made Izuku promise, vow even, to keep Eri's quirk a secret, but he told the (censured) truth in front of Inko? WTF?! Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Sigh... I was right. Fuck, now Kushina, Eri and Minato's quirks are once again in danger of being stolen by All for One. I hate this feeling of helplessness. There's no real way to protect them besides preemptively killing All for One. And I doubt it'll happen any time soon. The bit about Eri not healing Naruto (not that he needs her with his healing factor) or Rumi herself because Nzruro wants her to store reserves doesn't makes much sense to me. She was able to reverse several chickens in a row, and she did it everyday for training. Plus, said training improves her energy accumulation ability. I don't think she'd need that long to accumulate energy nor would she need to reserve herself for Izuku. Especially since it's not so much the extent of the damages that matter but rather the duration since when has them. After all, her quirk is a tempora' one. Looks lile All for One's centuries of life weren't wasted. He knows how to manipulate medias and public opinion. Anyway, it's nice to see that Aoyama decided to confess. Already back then, he had held back from telling All for One the true power of Izuku's chains, which might have saved Kushina's ass. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I'm pretty sure Eri will heal Izuku. No one else will be able to save him from those damages. I love how ruthless and wild Naruto is in that state. Those Nomus didn't hold a chance. Goodby Shigaraki. May I never see you again. With all the High End Nomu's death, all information about Kurama is also once again preserved and secured. Wonderful! Mirko, Endeavor and Best Jeanist were completely overwhelmed by All for One. I wonder who will save them. It won't be Naruto, of that I'm sure. He's too occupied in U.A. right now. It won't be any other Japanese hero (the only top one remaining is Hawks, and he's not strong enough). Normally, I'd say it'll be Star and Strip, but the Coup is too sudden. No way the USA will be able to react quickly enough, and there's no reason for them to butt in without benefits anyway. It leaves only Minato to teleport them away (even if it'll unfortunately put him and his family once again on All for One's radar). Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I wonder if the Erasure quirk can erase the Adamantine Sealing Chains, since they're not affected by others quirks and even defends against them (as proven when they protected Izuku from Eri's outburst). Regardless, Toga getting Erasure is pretty dangerous. « "Gaara! Do you have enough sand to cover his entire body?" » Does he want to coat Gigantomachia in glass, thus making him no more than a status? Looks like I was right. Even gonna add cement. Oh, so the one Toga decided to eliminate was All Might. Good choice! I don't care if All Might dies and it finally awoke Izuku's resolve and madness. I'm kinda annoyed that Naruto didn't get the time to kill Shigaraki despite having revealed Kurama's existence, since now it won't be a secret anymore, but I don't mind. He saved Izuku and that was worth any sacrifice besides Eri. I almost cried when Naruto and Izuku got back to their earlier relationship when Naruto was Izuku's reliable older brother taking care of his silly little brother. It was a very beautiful scene. Considering Eraserhead (the real one) wasn't far from the wall, I'm pretty sure he also got atomized by Izuku, thus preventing him from ever defending his honour. He'll forever be labeled a traitor. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ah! I thoroughly enjoyed Izuku's accidental massacre. It was spectacular! Now he'd be quite the hypocrite if he keeps being at odds with Naruto. Now he finally realized how dangerous his power can be. Still, the way he froze afterwards and ruined his arm was disappointing (if not unexpected). Well, if worse comes to worse, Erin can heal that. To begin with, maybe even Sakura can. I'm impressed by their classmates though, for being able to hold out Gigantomachia. I'm glad Naruto didn't lose time killing the greatest threat – Kurogiri. I hope he'll manage to kill Shigaraki before he escapes too. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I'm not sure it was a good idea to reveal to the world (and to All for One) where his family was going to live. Not the best protection. « The one-sided loss at the hands of Naruto had been like a wake-up call for Izuku and made him realise how far he was lagging behind the blonde. » Looks like I was right. Izuku's defeat did him a world of good. « As for his ANBU-like mask, he had swapped it with a transparent mask that covered his lower face and functioned as a rebreather that protected him from harmful gases. » I'm disappointed. It was the thing I loved the most about his costume. Personally, I'm glad Naruto didn't become close to his classmates. I don't want him to be bogged down by them. However, I'm awed at their increase in power and willingness to kill (even if those are just Nomu). Izuku himself just killed ten people (not Nomi) by knocking Gigantomachia down. He can't talk about killing being unacceptable for a hero anymore. I'm pretty sure that despite his enhancements, Shigaraki won't be a match for Naruto. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Looks like Yua gained a huge fan base in Japan. It's nice that everyone, even heroes, are kinda disgusted by Root. I love how unabashed Naruto is when declaring he's gonna marry Rumi to his parents. I approve of Minato, Kushina and Eri going to the U.S. Honestly, I'll constantly feel one edge, that maybe All for One will succeed in stealing Kushina and Eri's quirk (and now even Minato's) if they remain in Japan. Those quirks cannot land in his hands. I'm glad Minato decided to come clean though. He understands what this war may mean for their country. And indeed, All for One is taking actions, and the carnage will be for soon. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() « Wearing a black armband around his bicep, Midoriya Izuku appeared to be rather quiet and subdued. » Why does Izuku have an armband on bis biceps. He didn't injure himself fighting Muscular and thus didn't need a compression sleeve. If you don't know, his "armband" wasn't for style but for medical reasons. Did Izuku injure himself? Oh... I didn't know black armbands also had the meaning of mourning. My bad. Is it a Japanese tradition? Still, looks like Kurama did kill Katsuki and Kiba. No wonder Izuku is furious. Still, I didn't think Naruto and Izuku had grown so far apart that Izuku is starting to lose his respect and admiration for Naruto, to disappointment and disdain. It's sad. I hope it's only a passage in their relationship and that their friendship will only find itself strengthened eventually. It was nice of Naruto to beat down Izuku so thoroughly though. Better now than against an actual villain. Spars are supposed to be realistic anyway if they want to progress. I just didn't think Naruto was that far ahead of Izuku. But then again, Izuku never really had life threatening confrontations since Naruto was the one who took the brunt of the opposition. And Naruto has experience as a ninja where they value skill, stealth and cunning. Izuku isn't about to beat him while shouting the names of his attacks or being so straightforward. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I wonder if Yua's quirk has a brainwashing or loyalty component after she had sex with a partner or if she's just that good at it. Looks like she really cares about her daughter and indeed has many contacts in high places. Now Naruto knows about the terrible war that is about to come. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Yep, I don't think I'm gonna enjoy Kurama having his own body much. While Mirko's read about Naruto not being able to become a pro hero anymore was pretty correct, it seems the current societal situation will actually save Naruto's ass. Still, I doubt he'll be stupid enough to really feel himself indebted to the HPSC. I do wonder how it will affect public opinion and whether people will still love him. I like Yuz, Rumi's mother. I wonder what's her quirk and whether she's as special as Naruto's parents. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ha! So I was right about Minato not being who he seemed on the surface back then (I think it was shortly before the summer camp I've commented about it). I was even right about his quirk. I'm a genius! *blowing my own trumpet* Goodbye Danzo. May we never meet again. Kurama is back with him?! That's certainly not something I had expected. I both love and hate the concept. I live it because I'm delighted Naruto got back his partner. I hate it because it might mean others characters from Naruto's world may regain their memories or that the others bijū may already have been awakened, and I really don't want anyone besides Naruto and Kurama remembering. I also don't like the idea that Kurama wants his own body and leave Naruto. I honestly'd prefer for Kurama to remain within Naruto forever. So I actually hope it'll never happen. I'm also not looking forward to people finding out about Kurama (apparently he can already create an artificial body, even if still connected to Naruto) as it would raise tok many questions, and Kurama knows too many things about Naruto I don't want him accidentally or intentionally revealing. So yeah, in fact, I can't say I'm very happy at the prospect of Kurama being here too. I love how Naruto casually went back to Rumi's apartment while letting her worrying for his sake for the whole night. Also it seems Rumi agrees with my prognostic of last chapter about how HPSC will censure all the information. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Looks like Minato and Mirko became close in the last one year and half. So Danzo wants to study Naruto as a guinea pig. Hmpf! You're understimating his power. Just as I thought, he went all berserk on them. It was absolutely marvelous! Naruto working only on instinct and not having the slightest bit of mercy. Looks like even Kakashi and Yamato's Wood Release were useless in the face of Naruto's overwhelming power. And that is how Root was destroyed. I wonder if Sasuke, Kiba or Katsuki were there. Unlikely, or it would probably have been mentioned. And the HPSC will probably hush that for Naruto because otherwise they'd be forced to admit they've kidnapped him in broad daylight, causing the death of innocent bystanders. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ethics class is indeed a difficult one. Still, I would have taken the same decisions as Naruto (assuming I hadn't found a hidden third one). Glad Naruto finally told Sakura off. Having fan girls harassing you when you already love someone must be very irritating. Honestly, I've always thought Kurama protected Naruto from poisons. But if not, using the crowd was definitely one of the most efficient methods to take Naruto down. I was right when I had mentioned it back then, when he was mobbed by people as he was heading to his first internship with Mirko. I do wonder what the HPSC wants with him. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I'm surprised Naruto didn't have more of a reaction at seeing Sakura and Gaara. In fact, he didn't have much of a reaction meeting Sasuke either. I'm glad Mina finally gave up. It was quite disturbing seeing her pursue him when he told her he wasn't interested. Looks like Katsuki isn't very happy to have to kill. It's not his vision of what a hero should be (despite having been a bully for years). I'm also quite sad Izuku and Naruto zre growing apart, but Naruto's right, and hopefully it will drive Izuku to push himself harder. Thanks for the chapter. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Honestly, I don't appreciate the two years wait. You know how genin are considered adults in Naruto's world, well, it makes sense in my opinion. They could die any time in missions, so it's only fair they're allowed to live their life as they want– whether it be drinking, gambling or sex. Here, Naruto nearly died several times in less than two years, and he's targeted by a powerful villain. He's the MC and has plot armor, but if not for that, he (or Mirko) might be dead in two years time, and they'd not have been able to enjoy their love. I think Kushina should have trusted Naruto. She's already witnessed how mature he is. At least Minato didn't disappoint. « [Short lime removed] [...] [...] [Short lime removed] » Was it removed because you decided you didn't want for it to happen, or was it FFnet that forced you delete it? Did it (whatever it may be, from just a kiss to them romping each other) happen behind the scenes or did it not happen at all? « His forehead resting against hers and his eyes closed, he was still in the middle of savouring the euphoria that came from kissing her » Looks like it did happen. Now I'm kinda frustrated it was removed. Did you upload the scene somewhere else? AO3? A personal blog? Somewhere else? « A popular fanfiction author with nearly 500 stories got banned last week due to someone reporting his stories for having smut. » Mind telling me who it is? I'd like to see if there's a way to still find their works somewhere. Losing 500 works like that is criminal. I've probably read some of those too. FFnet could at least have sent him a warning or something before doing something so radical. Thanks for the chapter. |