Reviews for The Fox and the Hare
aGnamZer0 chapter 30 . 5/16/2024
I'm pretty sure this ANBU mask guy that killed those villains was a Root agent. Still, it's interesting how their methods are so similar to the shinobis of Naruto's world (smoke grenade and all).

It's awesome how Naruto managed to get the acknowledgement and respect of three out the four top pro heroes.

I'm glad he has his provisional licence. It'll allow him more freedom to use his quirk and defend himself and others.

Personally, I don't see any issue with large age gaps for relationships, nor do I see issue with Naruto's age. Rules are not to be do rigid. Of course, sex is off the table for the next couple years. A relationship is not limited to that anyway. It's obvious Naruto's got maturity beyond his age and should be trusted to know what he does and wants.

It's funny imagining Mirko with a toy. Heroes indeed are humans despite how glorified they are.

One of Naruto's greatest qualities is how he acknowledges his own feelings without running away and is not afraid to declare them out loud.

It's nice he told Mirko about his feelings for her.

And Mirko is obviously reciprocating. She even told Kushina (not afraid for her life, she's lucky Kushina already loves her).

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 29 . 5/16/2024
Naruto feeling hatred, huh? That's certainly a new concept.

What a wonderful orphanage that was. The matron truly cared about her charges, and the kids were adorable. My heart goes to them that they'll jave to be shut down for their safety.

Damn All for One!

I liked the taxi driver initially, but I was obviously wrong. At fist I thought how it was nice he didn't make a fuss of driving Mirko around or knowing she takes care of an orphanage, but he was only playing them.

"Tobirama4Life" and "JirayaAtHome", huh? I doubt they have the Naruto manga there, otherwise Naruto would have found out by now, and with people like Kiba, Kakashi and Sasuke existing, it would be weird as fuck.

Does that mean either Tobirama and Jiraya were grand heroes of the the past, or are actually alive right now?

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 28 . 5/16/2024
Considering the power Naruto just displayed, it looks like I had seriously underestimated Naruto's Fox quirk. Since you said quite explicitly in footnote of the first chapter he didn't have chakra, I thought his abilities would be quite restrained.

From the looks of it, whatever that deep red substance was, Naruto's potential is in fact limitless.

He might actually be able to stand equal to equal, if not even above future Izuku. I wouldn't even be surprised if Naruto could one day unleash Bijūdama.

I had seen the number of fox tails increasing coming since the very beginning, but I didn't think the increase in power would be so significant.

« the deep stab wounds on his arms, legs, and stomach had been fully healed after his quirk's awakening »

Good! I've finally got a confirmation that Naruto's healing factor did transfer over and he won't ever get a single scar. You don't know how much it pleases me (and if worse comes to worse, his adorable little sister can heal him).

« "I've had enough of All Might for now," Naruto spat, but then he quickly apologised. »

So Naruto did react like this. I knew it would happen from the moment All Might told them All for One was dead.

I'm sad Naruto will have to leave his family though. I hope they'll be in security in whatever protection program they're put in.

However, I do approve of Naruto living with Mirko. It's the best thing to do, not only because she's a nomad, but because she can teach him a lot since they have similar quirks.

« Naruto's demon form after his third is just like the version 2 jinchuuriki form from his previous life. »

To be perfectly honest, my favorite version of Naruto's Jinchūriki transformations is the first one.

It looks wild and feral and Naruto looks absolutely breathtaking that way.

The final transformation however, with Kurama's chakra cloak and everything, I hate it! It'sway too ordered and is not a reflection of the chaos of chakra, much less Kurama's chakra one.

Honestly, I hope Naruto's final transformation will actually be similar to his Version 1 (besides the partial transformation mode that allows him to be the size of a mountain).

Of course, those are just my personal preferences.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 27 . 5/16/2024
Again, kudos to Vlad King for his levelheaded mind. He stopped a lot of needless loss of life.

The Adamantine Sealing Chains are indeed a wonderful quirk. What versatility! Perfect for both offense and defense, and even able to stall All for One. Magnificent!

I'm surprised All Might didn't arrive at the same time as Mirko and Hawks. He isn't any slower.

Naruto and Mirko are truly made for each others, both awakening their quirk in the middle of battle.

I like the direction you gave Mirko's quirk. It makes a lot of sense, and I've always thought Peter's greatest superpower was his Spidey-Sense.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 26 . 5/16/2024
Good! Looks like I was worrying over nothing. Kushina and Eri are safe (for now).

But now, it's Naruto himself who might lose his quirk (after all he doesn't have the protection against stealing that One for All provides).

I always love how people are stunned by Naruto's efficient actions and ruthlessness. Aizawa is going to start doubting Naruto truly is who he says he is.

Naruto handled himself admirably against All for One.

Even All for One was impressed and full of praises.

Unfortunately, his physical limits prevented him from being a threat to the centuries old monster.

Vlad King did well in stopping the students from butting in. It wouldn't have ended well for them otherwise and would have only distracted Naruto, which in turn would have endangered him.

Oh, so Kōta didn't survive. Oh well, not everyone can be saved. You'll be missed kid.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 25 . 5/16/2024
I hate Uraraka, so I'm actually glad Izuku's crushing on Kyoka (even of Uraraka's unfortunately crushing on him).

It's quite funny how much Naruto looks down on this so-called training camp.

It's also interesting observing how different his mentality is to normal teenage kids who were raised in a time of peace.

That being said, if it was for him not to learn anything, I'd have prefered him not going to the Camp, as he won't be able to protect his family.

Since Minato left the house, at least he will survive. But since I'm also pretty sure he's much more than he lets onw I also believe it's one less protection gor Eri and Kushina.

I'm not so sure either Kushina or Eri will survive, even if they do, I'm not sure they'll still have their quirks by the end of the coming ordeal.

So the reason Eri was able to heal that boy back then is that Kushina and probably Naruto are training her. Sweet.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 24 . 5/16/2024
« Just as All Might turned around and lunged towards Jiro, a golden chain unexpectedly wrapped around his ankle. »

Like I thought, because of All Might's erroneous information, they let down their guard, and when All for One learns of this chain, he'll know of Kushina and will be prepared when they attack their house.

Before today, Kushina still had the advantage if surprise, but no more.

He might succeed in capturing both Kushina and Eri.

Truthfully Naruto, you should have kept your chains a secret. Even if not for All for One, it was not worth it to reveal them for a test.

As a ninja, you should know one should always have a hidden ace in their sleeve.

Plus, that chain should have cancelled One for All and forced All Might back into his emaciated form, thus revealing his secret.

« "I can choose whether I cancel someone's quirk or not. »

Okay, it seems my last worry was unfunded. But the rest is.

Ah, here it is! Aoyama's gonna tell everything to All for One. Or maybe All for One has a quirk allowing him to spy on him or something. Regardless, Kushina and Eri are now in grave danger and All for One is about to get a massive power boost.

I don't like it. At all!

Naruto was truly way too gullible to trust All Might like that when he had experience with people like Uchiha Madara and Zetsu.

It's disappointing he didn't choose to hope for the best but prepare for the worst, instead of just hoping for the best and believing it.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 23 . 5/16/2024
« even the organizations of nutjobs advocating for the Villains' human rights »

Why do I have the feeling they're called the Akatsuki?

From the moment Eri healed that boy, I knew she'd become All for One's target. He might now know thr true nature of her quirk (thankfully), only believing it to be a strong healing quirk, but that's so rare that she's an obvious target.

Still, it's nice to see Eri gained enough confidence in herself to not think her quirk is cursed anymore and be able to heal her playmate. I guess it's really a question of mindset.

I'm confident enough that Kushina will be able to repel their attempt, but by doing so, she will reveal her Adamantine Sealing Chains and become a high priority target of All for One.

Then again, Minato is here too. I've never bought his inoffensive civilian act. Namikaze Minato is a genius killer, and he never needed any special technique to have a good memory. It's all natural. No, I'm pretty sure he has a teleportation quirk or something similar to the Hiraishin.

It just seems that Kushina and Naruto do not know. Then again, I'm maybe just reading too much in it.

I admit, I'm afraid either quirk ends up in his hands. I'm not sure which would be worse – Rewind which could allow him (and Shiagaraki) to return to peak condition or the Adamantine Sealing Chains which is the perfect counter to all quirks.

I'm not looking forward to the moment it happens. I'm quite terrified of it in fact.

On another note, I do wonder how Naruto will fare against All Might with an incompatible ally.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 22 . 5/16/2024
Forget it, Iida died. I couldn't be more ecstatic. He's my second most hated character in BNHA (after Uraraka) for many different reasons, and the fics where he dies after hunting Stain are rare as fuck.

I hadn't considered that Izuku isn't Iida's friend yet, so he wouldn't have known to look for him.

So Kiba's family are indeed assassins, or mercenaries, maybe even ninjas.

And Sasuke is part of his family.

What bothers me most is this Kinoto. I looked at the wiki, and he's supposedly a Root agent. I hope neither Kiba nor Sasuke are Root or that this Root is different and not as rotten as in Konoha's one (after all, Kiba is all bit emotionless).

Looks like Kiba and Sasuke (and probably very soon Katsuki) are truly working for the Hero Commission. I like that they're allowed and encouraged to kill.

It's also nice that heroes are allowed some leeway about killing (then again, otherwise Endeavor would probably have been sent to prison years ago).

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 21 . 5/16/2024
The scene with Mirko's trash was nice since it shows heroes are humans too.

Looks like I was right back then when I said his claws might end up being the best weapon for him.

After all, he doesn't have chakra to reinforce his weapons.

I'm glad he's also slowly starting to get the hang up on his feral transformation.

Naruto and Mirko are getting pretty close. I like it.

I wonder if Naruto and Mirko will arrive after the action for Stain. After all, Izuku might have already dealt with him.

Then again, if Iida's brother didn't get injured, Iida wouldn't have gone look for him, so Izuku might not have gone look for Iida and never met Stain.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 20 . 5/16/2024
« That's sexual harassment! What the hell is wrong with these people?! »

Who can blame them? You're basically a kemonomimi in the flesh, you're already cute even without your appendages, and you're fit. I would've done the same (completely blaming crowd mentality of course).

Still, one of those days, one of those "fans" will end up using their quirk on him. Much like Overhaul, Uraraka or Shigaraki's quirks, many people have touch based quirks. By letting his fans touch him that way, he's setting himself to a stupid death.

I did think there might be others Naruto characters making their appearance, after all, there was Kiba already, but I hadn't expected Root. And I should have really with how rotten the HPSC is. Kakashi, along with Sasuke and Jiraya, were definitely people I knew would be here if you decided to add more Naruto characters though. Yamato (or Sai) is almost necessary with Root.

I honestly thought Katsuki's next appearance would be as a villain. I didn't think it would be as a legitimized villain though.

I wonder what kind of training Mirko will give Naruto to improve his quirk.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 19 . 5/16/2024
I'm starting to think Eijiro is totally gay for Naruto. XD

More seriously though, I'm glad they became friends.

So Izuku told Naruto about One for All. He's truly a honest and pure boy. I'm glad he didn't let All Might's words about confidentiality stop him.

I'm afraid All Might's words about All for One's death will let Kushina and Izuku relax their vigilance and eventually lead to All for One finding them. I hope not, because I'm not sure I could forgive All Might.

I wonder if Eri will heal Toshinori's body.

So All Might did think about Naruto as a successor, but probably remembered Mirio's words about how it's better to have more powerful heroes than a single all powerful one and decided to give it to Izuku.

I knew it would happen. I'm not surprised in the slightest. And yet, I'm still a little sad Naruto lost the opportunity (fact of the matter is that even if he awakens nine tails, I doubt he'll ever be as powerful as Izuku's gonna be).

And well, One for All would also have protected his own quirk from ever being stolen by All for One.

Welcome into the family, Uzumaki Eri! *big hug*

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 18 . 5/16/2024
Eri's so cute! The way she stuck to the hip with Naruto is so adorable (although some would bitch about dependency and such... not me!)

And looks like I was right. Kushina and Minato decided to truly adopt Eri and not leave this heavy responsibility on Naruto's shoulders.

Still, it's another reason Naruto's family might attract All for On'es interest. Adamantine Sealing Chains, possibly heir of One for All and now Rewind.

« She deadass rejected your cool hero name but she was okay with that? »

I completely agree. Modnight has no right to reject the name students choose for themselves.

And Alien Queen is honestly a name that fits Mina perfectly (certainly a lot more than Pinky).

Glad Mina stuck to her choice, even if for the wrong reasons.

It's nice he finally told "no" to Mina. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like she's ready to give up.

So you've decided to have Katsuki truly turn into a villain and expel him. It's such a rare turn of event that I truly like it.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 17 . 5/16/2024
All in all, the revelation to Minato went pretty well. Could certainly have been worse.

I'm pretty sure the result of their discussion though will be that Minato and Kushina will adopt Eri and won't just become her legal guardians.

I love how far Naruto was ready to go for Eri though.

It's nice that Naruto finally knows the name of the threat to his family – All for One.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 16 . 5/16/2024
Izuku did well. He might not have gotten that far, but he still reached the final round and defeated a hero student. He can be proud.

I do hope All Might didn't tell Tsukauchi the secret of Izuku's quirk. Next thing we know, he'll tell Nedzu too. That's why a secret is best kept when no one knows.

Still, I'm glad it'll seemingly be easier than anticipated to adopt Eri.

Now, Izuku will need to have a serious conversation with his parents, and Kushina and him will have to tell an important truth to Minato. Hopefully, he won't be offensed they kept it secret.

Thanks for the chapter.
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