Reviews for The Fox and the Hare
Drake.Dman chapter 46 . 5/16/2024
en espera de mas
Borello chapter 46 . 5/16/2024
really interesting work
Afro1Ninja8 chapter 46 . 5/16/2024
And so the chips have laid and war is once again on the horizon. Cant wait to read the next chapter.
johnwhen chapter 46 . 5/16/2024
Lmao let all the heroes leave and see how the citizens feel when they realized oh shit we do need them
HelloEver22 chapter 46 . 5/15/2024
Thank you for the update! Its time to admit we cant always be on the “morale high ground” to make a better place.
Youngkong313 chapter 46 . 5/14/2024
Ruto out here standin on Business
Guest chapter 46 . 5/14/2024
Please please make the Chapter 48 Lemon available the same way you did for “The Renegade” one!
thor94 chapter 46 . 5/14/2024
Good chapter.
naruto is right, criminal like all for one are too much dangerous to be left alive. There is a reason why almost all people in history recognized guilty for large war crimes and massacres were sentenced with death penalty (because they had too many potential supporter among people in power that even the most secured prison were not break proof.
Gilgamesh50 chapter 46 . 5/14/2024
Great Chapter
niideadequenombremecoloco chapter 46 . 5/14/2024
well, that will certainly be a hard choice for the heroes.
What a great chapter
Highcat chapter 46 . 5/14/2024
built different? built stupid more like, the tuff the comes out of that state man
ShadowBloodedge9396 chapter 46 . 5/14/2024 Naruto and Mirko had an off-screen fight between chapters(or my memory sucks) but at least they've made up now that Mirko realized it's pointless to continue fighting unless the fight is trying to take AFO down once and for all.
I laughed maybe a little harder than I should have at Naruto realizing the Florida Man meme is real, lmao. Side note, here's a fun activity...Google "Florida Man" with your birth date and see what comes up. I got one of a Florida Man confessing to beating a bicyclist to death with a tire iron for example.
Way to call out the fact this story is far from black and white, with Naruto admitting his own faults in comparison to Mirko when it comes to being a hero.
But now it looks like this story may be ending soon, with this plan to lure out and take down All For One...long as the other heroes agree to Naruto's plan to kill him of course.
DragonEyesBlue chapter 46 . 5/14/2024
je, su pais esta gobernado por un imperio criminal y ellos todo "no se mata porque es de villanos" pendejos que son
si fuera naruto, hubiera cortado la llamada de inmediato y me iba a jugar con mirko, luego de terminar el maldito informe
espero pronto el proximo capitulo
Pinumbit Coffee chapter 46 . 5/14/2024
This chapter makes me want a nice (and consistently updating, and eventually completed) Bleach x MHA crossover written by you. Your fanfics are really, really good at the what-if scenarios.

And don't think I forgot about the Kido Master Naruto x Rangiku crossover you proposed in your poll. I'm excited for that.
Spartan0007 chapter 46 . 5/14/2024
what a great chapter
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