Reviews for An Archer's Promise
darkeragez chapter 9 . 2/10
good chapter x9
darkeragez chapter 8 . 2/10
good chapter x8
darkeragez chapter 7 . 2/10
good chapter x7
darkeragez chapter 6 . 2/10
good chapter x6
darkeragez chapter 4 . 2/10
good chapter x4
lTUTl chapter 64 . 2/6
I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, especially how Alicia will now interact with EMIYA knowing that she masturbated thinking about him.
wolf191000 chapter 64 . 2/4
A lot of Drama and "Steam"(heehee)

A Good Read!
wolf191000 chapter 63 . 2/4
Good Read!
wolf191000 chapter 62 . 2/4
Grave got what he deserved!
darkeragez chapter 3 . 2/1
good chapter x3
darkeragez chapter 2 . 2/1
good chapter x2
darkeragez chapter 1 . 2/1
good chapter
Guest chapter 64 . 1/29
To the review below me

The reason is that Klaus is neither a sword nor an object, structural analysis doesn't work on living things, if it could - the whole keeping the secrecy of family magecraft thing would be pointless.
Guest chapter 64 . 1/29
O dios pobre archer, primero la tomboy, luego la peli rosa, después la diosa mentalmente estable y ha hora le gusta a la loca, no envidio tu suerte archer.
carbon1923 chapter 64 . 1/29
Any reason Emyia didn't use Structural Analysis to see what was wrong with Klaus?
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