Reviews for Along Came a Spider 2
Patriciadiane chapter 43 . 1/14
Somany fun things and who was watching
Patriciadiane chapter 42 . 1/14
the wedding is so them and romantic.
Patriciadiane chapter 41 . 1/14
great chapter
Patriciadiane chapter 40 . 1/14
I love the conversations between these two
Patriciadiane chapter 39 . 1/13
The support system for Bella and Renee is real family
Alice and Bella's talk we quite a surprise and I loved it
Patriciadiane chapter 38 . 1/13
so glad Renee is going to go for the treatment.
Patriciadiane chapter 37 . 1/13
Victoria is messed up
Patriciadiane chapter 36 . 1/13
Casius is gong to be trouble duh it is his nickname
Patriciadiane chapter 35 . 1/13
Sam will suffer, yes
Casius is a pos
Vladdy is gone, NO
Patriciadiane chapter 34 . 1/13
This Edward is so awesome and makes other men look lacking
Patriciadiane chapter 33 . 1/12
grate fun
Patriciadiane chapter 32 . 1/12
wow, talk about Carlise:s delusion
Patriciadiane chapter 31 . 1/12
sad times
Jacob has been enabling Carlisle
Patriciadiane chapter 30 . 1/12
Angela lying
Esme clifffie
Patriciadiane chapter 29 . 1/12
love the love
Waiting for the female explosion
Tattoo matching..
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