Reviews for Along Came a Spider 2
canadiantwilight chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
ekkkkkkkkkk 3
tas62 chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
So happy to see part II and so happy that they made the decision about the trades together. Looking to fun to be had by all in Mexico. The should bet on the number of girls James collects digits from. LOL
tff000 chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
Cullen Cousin chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
good chapter
edwards-debussy chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
Loved this so much! Sooo glad to get more time with these two and can’t wait to see how the second half of the season goes. Thank you!
snoopylover60 chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
I reallllllllllly love that Edward told Jacob no! WE'RE.. you know that is what Jacob is focusing on. And running to tell daddy dearest. Cause, he is gonna poop a brick! Both will. I hope Esme isn't going to give Bella H.E. double hockey sticks! (LOL. Spiderward /oo\\ ). Even with Renee being sick, I think she can take Esme down a peg, if she needs too!

Team Charlie? I love Charlie, I have a feeling that I will be loving him more. Him giving Carlisle what for! YES!
Loving this second journey so much.
Looking forward to the next chapter. :D
Eternally Addicted chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
Spiderday is officially my favorite day of the week! You weren't kidding when you said Bella had this! Boy did she ever! And I believe all of her points were valid and apparently so does Spider since he turned down the trade offers. While there was a time when I think Edward was a bit ahead of Bella in where their relationship was, meaning he was ready for the long term before she was, I think they are both definitely on the same page now and I love how well the communicate with each other and talk things out. I don't think Edward would have necessarily taken either of those trade offers even if Bella had given him an unequivocal yes to moving to Canada with him. I believe that like he said, he just needed to know he was first in her life too, as much as she was in his. And oh man on Jacob. Have you seen the movie Inside Out? I imagine Jake turning into the little red angry guy full of flames and anger when he reads that text from Edward. And the "we're" part will be fuel to the fire. I am glad Edward has agreed to consider finding a new agent. I think Jacob's true colors will be shown real soon now that Edward has turned down the trade offers. I also think Carlisle's hostility is going to escalate, maybe just in time for their dinner party. I am hoping so hard that Charlie hands Carlisle his ass on ice! It will also be interesting to see how Edward handles whatever bullshit Carlisle brings with him to dinner. I don't think dear ole Dad has any idea what he's in for, but he needs that chip on his shoulder knocked off and to be humbled a bit. I must admit I am a tad bit disappointed that Spider won't be popping the question at sunset on the beach. I had hoped that there was an ulterior motive for the photographer meeting him in Cabo. I was hoping he was going to have her there to capture some memories for them as he proposed to Bella. BUT... I had also forgotten about Demir's plans to propose to Jess, and Edward does need a ring in order to pop that very important question. So I do understand why he's not doing it. However, I also agree that ring is going to be burning a hole in his pocket like a kid's allowance does. and he won't be able to wait long before asking once he has it. It would be an interesting addition to the dinner conversation it Bella is sporting an ice rink on a very particular finger on her left hand, when the parents all join them. "insert evil laughs". LOL I'm sorry, I don't want to be a mischief maker, I just want Carlisle to see there is nothing he can do to ruin their relationship! Ok, I have rambled on enough, as always I loved the chapter and will be looking forward to more. I hope you have a very Happy Easter and enjoy your spring break!
Dinkyp chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
Ooo fantastic. So pleased you started this sequel quickly. So pleased he decided to stay. :)
Mom23xx chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
Love the part 2 series! I want a jpov of that text he got. Lol I thought he might just make the trade for him irregardless. Mexico sounds like it’s going to be fun!
acw1 chapter 1 . 4/9/2022
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