Reviews for Crash Restraints |
Dee chapter 1 . 7/31 An excellent work for Kes and the Doc. It was an emotional ride to see their fight for survival and sadness of their losses, especially the captain. Yet a great ending knowing the doctor would be able to bring those left of them back. Great job! |
1r30 chapter 1 . 5/7 I read this three times over. Wow! That's all I can say. Incredible ideas and great writing. |
Sonic Serendipity chapter 8 . 7/8/2022 you done blew my tits clean off with this one, pal. I do love me some Doctor and I do love me some Kes and this has both of them in spades, and some excellent worldbuilding that's just like *quietly ads that to my own personal canon* most excellent! |
Kent Rigel chapter 8 . 6/27/2022 That was all kinds of brilliant. This has been one of the few times I've seen a story treat the Doctor as a being emergent from code rather than just 'a person, but made of light'. As you point out, even the show-writers were more careless and lackadaisical with that aspect of things that you were in this story. Ironically the episode you mooted from canon, 'Lifesigns', is one of the few episodes where the Doctor elaborates on the specifics of his design limitations, functionality and hints at his holomatrix. The casualness with which the Equinox double-episode treated the Doctor's ethical subroutines was also lazy, as though an aspect of his programming that related to ever single judgement call and action could just been deleted with a command... especially after Latent Image established how catastrophic an unanticipated conflict in priorities within his programming could be to the stability of his program. Kes' more gradual evolution, the insight about how holographic personnel on ships could be used by Starfleet, how multiversal geometry/orientation might be alternatively formulated, that there might be oral lore in Ocampan culture to hint at how post-physical evolution might present... You had more unique ideas, cleverly assembled in this one fic than any half a dozen other fics might be expected to have separately. Needless to say I really enjoyed the read, so thanks for writing it. |
framework4 chapter 4 . 4/30/2022 I just read chapters 2-4. Well done. I found the layers view of the multiverse very well done. I see you‘ve introduced Seven. I hope this results in a verse with both Kes and Seven working together. |
framework4 chapter 1 . 4/13/2022 Interesting start, looking forward to more. |