Reviews for Arc Corp
redwolfBm86 chapter 133 . 6h
Lol horses can be jerks
Qwispy chapter 131 . 6h
So many exciting things happening I don't know when to breathe.
Dorkdils chapter 133 . 12h
They just made that guy induce a Distortion.
TerenceC chapter 132 . 12h
I dont know what is wrong but niether the app or website is letting me see ch.133
Pdd13 chapter 133 . 12h
Sorry to hear about your injury, though what concerns me here would be where exactly the colt kicked you. He might have cause some significant bruising or internal bleeding especially if it nailed your kidney area. Take care of yourself.
Shadowstorm-Vash chapter 133 . 13h
Bro you were kicked by a horse, go to the doctor and take time off.
We appreciate the update but we’d rather our favorite writer be in health
RohanVos chapter 133 . 2/10
Yikes, hope you heal quickly!
DelBrillo chapter 132 . 2/10
No way this story ends with Jaune getting cured. More likely Jaune uses Anamoulous and Sons to sue ARC corp into the ground for workplace descrimination.
JkawaiiNeko chapter 133 . 2/10
I wonder if there is anyone left at Arc Corp that is smart enough to figure out the transformation of human to anomaly. i would love to see this story ending with Juane getting back his complete humanity
SentinalSlice chapter 133 . 2/10
Really cool chapter. The fact that Jaune caught a recording of it live is neat. I have to ask, do Jaune and Blake not have body cams on at all times? Like the normal SCP agents? Because that feels like it should be standard practice.
Reader20448 chapter 133 . 2/10
Another good chapter
Fantasy OH YEA chapter 133 . 2/10
Amazing chapter as always. I hope you feel better
NeonZangetsu chapter 133 . 2/10
Hope you feel better, brother. Back pain's no joke, get yourself checked out as soon as you can!

Lovely chapter as always~!

Warm regards,

Delta7344 chapter 133 . 2/10
Hope you feel better soon!
enamis chapter 133 . 2/10
argh, too hasty i've hath been! we have hit low lows again with, what are we on? fourth, fifth incel? come on, you're so much more creative than this.
could've made this dude a jelous woman. points for diversity or whatever.
silver lining is this slog being over and onto the egg plot! fingers crossed!

wait, actually, hol up, don't hit post. is the transformation tied to percieved unfairness? we have enough incels/jelousy but lisa and the island lady were also turned due to believing they're being replaced by better things?
only outlier so far is jaune with just the whole moms death trauma, but there Could Be Something we don't fully know. he probably lost firstborn son privilege After the whole anomaly thing tho so it couldn't be it
have i cracked this?
have i cracked something?
am i just mad?
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