Reviews for A Taste of Ismenian Water
jcnelson125 chapter 49 . 2/6
A lovely and bittersweet goodbye to Katie, but her memory is cherished, born anew. Katrina. Un beau nouveau rêve.
Darklight07 chapter 1 . 1/18
i am honestly so confused. I thought that this would be a continuation of A Cadmean Victory
DemonHunter921 chapter 213 . 1/15
The never-ending story fits as the last chapter title because this story never wanted to end and dragged its feet the entire way. Fleur and Harry remain as toxic as 4th year which while compelling in a shorter story feels extremely unsatisfying in one of this length, why should the reader believe that Harry and Fleur’s relationship will improve in the end when it never has before in over 2 million words. Theres some pretty good ideas with the magic, but the “world-building” is essentially Harry magically travels to X and character Z exposition dumps the entire area or relevant scene to Harry. Which wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t immediately jumping somewhere else with another exposition dump before the reader gets properly settled in that region of the world. The sphinx feels incredibly undercooked and honestly out of nowhere in the role it was placed in the story, It probably could have been used better in literally any other way. Theres’s way more spoiler related issues, but the pacing is honestly what kills the whole thing, writing style preference or not, lots of mediocre fluff, some great fluff, but the sheer repetition of the fluff turns half of this story into a fluffy nothing mess of angst and soap opera instead of a magical epic of reaching your dreams.
Power Is Everything chapter 213 . 12/27/2024
I’ve finally finished the story(I lost track of it at chapter 145 when it was being written and just returned and reread through to the end).

I think it’s an amazing story personally and the ending is not perfect but close enough.

I’m glad I read through in one go(I was very annoyed at fleur and her reaction/role to Mithras until she reflected on herself after raising Katie).

One of the marks of a good story is to be left wanting more and I want to read more of harry and fleur raising Katie so I’d say this story has me invested and satisfied in its ending.

Well done.
IOpenAtTheClose of your life chapter 213 . 12/12/2024
I don't have the energy to tell you how much I loved this story because i have to be up for work in 4 hours. I started ACVR 10 days ago. That's how much these stories have hooked me. This is by far the longest fanfic i've ever read, and I'd say it's totally worth it. Your descriptiveness and style of writing is beautiful and I will definitely be perusing more of your works. Absolutely gorgeous story telling.
Cloudy09 chapter 213 . 10/20/2024
This story was amazing dude! Thanks for the hard work, this is definitely one of if not my favorite series of HP stories. Great job OP.
Guest chapter 213 . 10/13/2024
I loved this.
Kronoslordofall chapter 213 . 9/15/2024
Hey man just wanted to say i fucking loved this Story the ending was perfect and honestly i loved it it was a fantastic read and everyone complainning about the length is an idiot great job man thank you for making this for us all to read and enjoy
Yik chapter 1 . 8/29/2024
I also wanted to say I’m sorry. Sorry for being rude to you when you were writing this for free. Sorry for taking it for granted. I’m not religious but I ask God to help me from hurting anyone again like I hurt you. Please forgive me.

I hope life goes well for you and that you find the hope you deserve and maybe even a good woman if you’re looking for that. And I hope everything is set right.
Dad chapter 213 . 8/20/2024
Different, but a great story. I loved the ending.
Yik chapter 213 . 8/20/2024
I guess this is where I say goodbye. It’s too bad the world is the way it is. If it were different we might’ve been friends.
NightBrother chapter 213 . 8/21/2024
I'm not crying, you're crying.
The Mourning Sage EuMp chapter 213 . 8/20/2024
A fitting chapter name for a great story. It was an amazing journey, and I can but look forward to your next work !
oneizm chapter 213 . 8/20/2024
Cadmean Victory was the fanfic that got me into this paring. The original version of that story, His Angel, and Letters made it hard for me to read other parings. Then I read the remaster of CV. Harry was so much more unhinged. So much more volitile. It was like watching someone you thought you knew change. I havent reread it still to this day. It felt wrong. He felt like someone wrote the story after watching Joker or something.

Then I saw this sequal come out, at first I was excited. I was excited to see how the couple grow. Watch them move on from their past. I was excited for you to show the struggle of living on after winning at any cost, as well as the results of they had fought for. But I quickly realized, you dont want the characters to be happy. You’d rather have them go to illogical lengths to stir up drama and discontent. Fair enough, sometimes reality feels the same.

But it is tough to read. Slowly you turned this exciting legendary character that you’d created into a pile of self loathing and hatred. It reads like you went through something extremely tough and are using this as therapy to vent, to feel through proxy. To solve problems in ways you know would be irresponsible or impossible to do in real life. And if thats true I’m glad writing was there for you.

Because it’s your character. And its your story. For me, the first version of Cadmean victory will be enough. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a pleasure to read. I enjoyed every moment, even when you were tearing my heart out with false smiles and miscommunications. Thjs was the opposite. Every update made me worry anout what sas coming next. About how much further they could fall. I’m glad you finished this, but for you and the others who manage to enjoy it. And so that the series can end.

I hope somewhere in this process you found more peace than you started with.
Hudy Leak613 chapter 213 . 8/20/2024
Thank you very much for writing this chapter. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
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