Reviews for Intercession
Volunteer Insomniac chapter 4 . 1/19
i likethis story, but the characters feel a bit too '2d' for me to actually believe that theyre real people.
it's hard to put into words, it feels like things are coming together, and falling apart too easily, or without enough emphasis on the events and characters feelings.
maybe its just my tastes in the end
WhiteElfElder chapter 12 . 1/15
This has been a great read with a lot of building of the characters and world.
WhiteElfElder chapter 11 . 1/14
I hope that Albus never gets the memories back, because he will be more dangerous if he does.
WhiteElfElder chapter 10 . 1/14
Harry was an idiot for not getting the hell out of there, even if it ended up with him being needed.
WhiteElfElder chapter 9 . 1/13
Sirius just fucked up because neither Taylor nor Harry will forgive him when they find out, and Sirius may just get something up he urinary hole he doesn't want.
WhiteElfElder chapter 7 . 1/13
I am wondering if that is the real Moody at all...
WhiteElfElder chapter 6 . 1/12
I do hope Barty is unable to get her wand, otherwise Albus will make sure she is in Azkaban before she wakes up.
WhiteElfElder chapter 5 . 1/12
I wonder if the Black Unicorn is a form that Taylor can assume?

Thinking back, where did Contessa get the blood that was used to change Taylor?
WhiteElfElder chapter 3 . 1/11
Bugs to eat Albus' prostate while his is spiderwebbed to a chair.
WhiteElfElder chapter 2 . 1/11
Albus deserves to have bugs crawl into every hole in his body and start eating through all of his soft tissues within.
WhiteElfElder chapter 1 . 1/11
Albus fucked up, and now he is going to end up paying for his meddling. I wonder where Harry is being kept and in what condition?
FriendlyFire59 chapter 12 . 1/5
A very good story, funny, exciting, tense, and a little heart breaking at times.

Thanks for having posted.
AvidReader2425 chapter 12 . 12/20/2024
I really enjoyed the library aspect, and I really enjoyed the story as a whole, thank you very much for the time you put into it.
AvidReader2425 chapter 11 . 12/19/2024
Thanks for another excellent chapter
AvidReader2425 chapter 10 . 12/19/2024
Thanks for another excellent chapter, also, the black unicorn makes me think of an SCP lol
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