Reviews for Silent Sweetheart
WordsMusicMagic chapter 30 . 12/8/2024
That was adorbs! Thanks for the sweet story. I loved Laney and Cajunward.
GMCE chapter 30 . 5/25/2024
I had the urge to go back and read this story I used to love when I was a teenager and discovered you’d re-written it. This new one is lovely and I will always enjoy Cajun Edward and sweet little Laney, but I am a bit sad to see that the original version is gone as I would have loved to re-read that one after reading the new version.
Wanda W chapter 30 . 5/14/2024
I just finished reading this story in its entirety and have to say I was very impressed by the writing! This was such a good read with a plot line that was varied and engaging. Everything flowed naturally and felt organic. Rather than being a story that tried too hard, it just flowed and made me want to keep going, made me wish they were real people with whom I could hang out and be friends.
The dialog was neither trite nor was it so erudite that no one would ever speak that way; you struck a perfect balance. Your author notes were honest and genuine and made me smile. I couldn’t be happier to have stumbled across this one. Well done and thank you for these pleasant hours of hope, fun, and friendship!
Just Sus chapter 12 . 5/3/2024
I'm confused! Have they had sex yet, and you arenxt writing the lemons, or are they still just kissing and messing around?
kneon chapter 30 . 3/22/2024
Amazing story. i loved your characters, especially Laney and Edward. thank you for sharing.
Grace46 chapter 29 . 11/11/2023
This was a very beautiful tale, could even close the tab and go to bed.. Had to read it through
BooksyBelle chapter 29 . 10/18/2023
I have reviewed this before, but it needs a second review! I have read a lot of fanfiction over the years, but this one has got to be in my top three. How this doesn’t have more reviews is beyond me, but I adore the story and I hope there is more stories in the future because I never knew that I needed a twilight crew from Louisiana! It’s fantastic! I would love to see one where Bella gets pregnant lol
QueenElsaSalvatore chapter 30 . 10/13/2023
i hope you do a sequel
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 30 . 9/24/2023
I LOVED this! It was sweet and romantic.
Bevey99 chapter 30 . 9/22/2023
Sweet little story, although the ending seemed rushed. Thanks for writing
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 13 . 9/17/2023
I’m waiting for the other Tanya shoe to drop.
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 12 . 9/17/2023
A tipsy Edward is a lot of fUn!
If Alice wanted Bella and Emmett in pictures, she maybe should have told them so. LMAO
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 11 . 9/17/2023
What does Renee want? This bish!
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 10 . 9/17/2023
I’m kinda sad that Lainey isnt still talking to Bella.
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 9 . 9/17/2023
Fade to black?! Say it ain’t so! *gasp*
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