Reviews for What Doesn't Kill Us
Shona Katt chapter 21 . 10/3
I have been enjoying this story immensely _ House Elves being both sneaky and helpful are always both adorable and a riot to read especially when the author also includes the House Elf needs and motivations into the story as they aren't human.
Harry using his brain and going independent is also fun and I also adore it when he builds things based on him both using his intelligence and experimenting with magic.
The circus tent is great but probably won't be enough protection to use over British winter which has snow and things so both freezing temperatures and snow buildup as a problem ending in a collapsed tent.
How they handle that coming problem will be interesting as so far all I can think of is to finish the shed but add insulation and internal walls then once the shed is weather-tight for the winter they can expand the interior to hell and back to fit the circus tent and set it up in there over winter. Other than that he might be able to obtain a big shipping container for that use in a similar manner to the shed as it's both bigger and stonger so both safer and easier to expand internally although that might require a portkey to shift to his land as muggle deliveries won't find it - the squib running the junkyard would be the best bet there as it could safely be delivered to the junkyard by muggle means so not a statute violation then could be portkeyed to Harry's land but he'd need a stone platform in place to support it to prevent it sinking into the ground.
As Harry is in the process of making a solid stone floor for the shed instead of concrete using that same process for such base platforms sounds best as that would leave all those ancient paving stones to use for other things such as pathways and patio areas and as it sounds like he intends to make a stone keep perhaps with an internal courtyard not a typical manor the ancient pavers would be better used as pavers in such a courtyard not support for sheds or containers.
Also if he learns to mold glass think of all the discarded bottles to be found in the muggle world - wine bottles, beer bottles, glass drink bottles, glass canisters - all of that easily found and cost nothing if collected from dumpsters etc so free base material to make windows and greenhouses from or mold into drinkware, serving bowls, platters and vases add a few runes to make them unbreakable or for additional use like warming runes or chams on serving platters and bowls and cups and colling charms on glasses etc - with imagination the list of things that are discarded by muggles but with magic can be easily fixed or rebuilt into other things are endless.
Plus if he is going to create lego style stone blocks as building material for his future home he might want to think of adding slot-holes into the anchor knobs to put steel building rods through for extra safety and support of the walls and the steel lattice in the floors and ceilings like in large muggle buildings. A look at legos in toy stores might be good as well for ideas as it now comes in lots of shapes to use in construction so good as a base idea for his molds plus he could also easily purchase a few sets with different shapes so he could plan out his construction in base form using blocks to build models and plans from.
RealStarling chapter 5 . 8/27
I am liking this very much although I don't understand some of the language used throughout. Also, I have no clue at all why Percy Weasley urinated on a floor in the first chapter. I look forward to reading more of this, however.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 18 . 8/26
I have enjoyed this reread.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 5 . 8/25
I am enjoying this reread. It has been long enough that I have forgot the plot.
Death Lantern chapter 13 . 8/21
James had mahogany wand not hornbeam.
Pointer3109 chapter 18 . 8/19
"Crazy Griffs!" lol
All kinds of predators at Hogwarts, even Harry Potters.
Pointer3109 chapter 3 . 8/18
Percy's right. Canon Dumbledore gets by with huge heaps of luck.
Unoviento8 chapter 21 . 8/12
Wow, just checking on old fics and i found this. Once i started reading, i couldnt stop. Great Story, easy reading, good grammar and maybe not enough punctuation but very good nontheless.
Thank you lots for sharing with us
Sturmundsterne chapter 21 . 7/17
Shame this fic is dead.
draconin chapter 21 . 7/16
This is excellent and very original. I'd love to read more if you get inspired again.
Shona Katt chapter 1 . 6/16
I love this it has some lobely twists
definitely want more of it
cameron1812 chapter 21 . 6/14
My new favourite story ! Thank you !
cameron1812 chapter 8 . 6/13
Rare i enjoy a chapter of any story more. Superb!
cameron1812 chapter 2 . 6/13
Why i haven't stumbled across this work before i don't know, but Omg Percy is a legend ! Cant wait to read more !
Eldersprig chapter 7 . 6/4
you solved a huge plot hole in canon: security burn your blood spell.
Dumbles is an idiot of course.
Could have directly destroyed Riddle's fake body, (and may be all of the death eaters) and its something OBVIOUS that some one should have mentioned.
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