Reviews for Delenda Est -- Rebooted
WyrdSmith chapter 19 . 9/29
So good. Brilliant.
Xav19 chapter 19 . 9/21
i had liked the first version of this history but i think this version is really better

i hope to read some new chapters soon

good job

sorry for my english but i'm french
Anton Vlasov chapter 3 . 9/16
Гарри мог пойти к потеоам все объяснить и не дать семье погибнуть в будущем, но нет он хрен положил на поттеров ведь ему глубоко на рать было на свою семью что в будущем что в прошлом. Он даже не интересовался не то что родителями да же не интересовался родителями своих родителей.
Anton Vlasov chapter 2 . 9/16
Ещё один сюжет про тупого поттера. Который не знает неч его а особенно свою семью. Ведь это баран даже не интересовался ей.
Guest chapter 19 . 9/16
The daughters visiting during the tournament was hilarious.
I hope Harry doesn’t have to work at Azkaban too long that place must be depressing. Great story and imagination
Pteaset chapter 2 . 9/13
This is my favorite fanfiction. I’ve probably read it more than any other. I always get excited when there’s an update.
noobie53 chapter 18 . 9/13
Robbing the cradle? A man-child husband? LMAO! Calling it right now that it's Sirius. It was mentioned in an earlier chapter that he was crushing on her.
mattias.thunberg chapter 1 . 9/3
Just read the first version and then this. Really prefer this one so far and I hope you’re staying where they are. The other story felt weird with Harry and Bellatrix hanging around the children.

My favourites are the old Blacks and Malfoy, really hope they are staying alive.
RedOuroboros chapter 19 . 8/21
Nice thanks for the chapter
divine.shakespeare chapter 18 . 8/21
No hemos visto a Luna, o a los Lovegood :(

Phitya "roba cunas" Greengrass tiene una probabilidad de ser la madre de Luna. Canónicamente hablando, creo, ella murió en el 8vo cumpleaños de su hija, unigénita.

¡Quiero ver a Luna!
divine.shakespeare chapter 19 . 8/20
Delenda Est ¡Es magnífica!
No acostumbro a leer una misma historia luego de terminarla ¡pero tú superas expectativas!
Cambiaste todo y a la vez nada, y eso me aterra.
Ojalá que en esta versión no tarde tanto en purgar los mortifagos que les estorbe (*tos* Yaxley *tos) y ¡Barty jr! Me aterra tenerlo a la vista, y más cuando no está a la vista.
Gracias por la historia, y continua, esperaré con ansias
Timeportal88 chapter 19 . 8/16
Just got caught up and I have to say this a marked improvement to the first iteration. The characters haven't changed fundamentally but there is much more nuance. I also like the tonal shift from "pre-war prep" to the systematic change. The politics is nice to see and it isn't too cringey.

Bellatrix is especially well done. I like the characterisations of chocolate, the shrewdness, and the creativity. She still very much has faults and weaknesses though which is good.

I do hope that you aren't planning on repeating the same maligned plot turn from the first story though. The first story was at its best in the marauder era and this one is mirroring that so far.
grovepjp chapter 19 . 8/15
soniclord100 chapter 19 . 8/14
loving the reboot
AnarchoBoyfriend chapter 19 . 8/5
You’re really creative! I love the direction that you’re taking this story, and i look forward to reading more.
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