Reviews for A Slime in the RWBY Universe
Guest chapter 3 . 1/7/2023
I'm looking forward to the next chapters but no worries, I don't mind waiting for a good story.
mrwinterdk chapter 3 . 12/28/2022
looking forward too see how this story will go
ArguableReader chapter 3 . 12/11/2022
Well like I said, this story HAS potential, but going into an story,
word-for-word, with little to no alteration, even in their conversation's to each-other,
feels dull, and un-original, it's called fanfiction for a reason, you know?

When you come back, I hope this does, AT LEAST, average enough, so that, I WANT, to come back!
Gizmo Gear chapter 3 . 12/8/2022
A hiatus, huh? Well, that's a shame.
Gizmo Gear chapter 2 . 12/8/2022
Kind of meh to just repeat episode 1 but with insert OC. I also suppose you have a legitimate reason for Cyan being unable to 'appraise' Cinder, aside from "plot demands it"? Perhaps we shall see...
Guest-Questioner chapter 2 . 7/23/2022
A generic start, for an otherwise generic story.

I honestly forgot the gender of the character, but Rimuru himself,
is play on the literal terminology, of a Trap-person.

Rimuru being a slime, IS genderless, BUT he was, IS, a MALE through and through!

Your insert joining a protagonist team, as a fifth wheel, will show us that,
you have no chance of being original and unique.

I will STILL recommend, that Cyan Tempest, not join a team, but instead,
be an, on-campus support person.

Directly being within an, episode of the series,
and yet, not even trying to alter it, however slightly, makes this not even worthwhile.

Yes~ Cyan unleashed an attack, on the get-away plane, but then, there was no mention,
of ANY damage what-so-ever, as if that attack, never even existed to begin with.

Calling out an attack, is not entirely necessary, as a HANDFUL of Isekai show's do not,
effectively shout their attack's to the sky, when they unleash them, as they just happen.

It's a corny, cheezy, utterly unnecessary, action, to call out an attack move like that,
so just conjure the move, and fire it off, with no shout to the sky, of what it's even called.

Anything leftover,

If you honestly intend to do this, you require a LITTLE more understanding,
of what an Isekai is, in comparison to the worlds' actual protagonist's, do you understand?

I honestly WANT this to be a thing, but I, do NOT want this,
to be boring with almost no genuine change's to anything.
Crapcase39 chapter 1 . 7/25/2022
You seriously just gave all of the op skills right at the start of the fucking story? Well done, you have effectively removed any form of tension throughout the story.

Making an OP OC isn't a problem but there is literally. nothing that can stand in their way.

You should be thankful for the comments btw, other fics like this usually get a bunch of yes men who don't tell the author what the problem is.
SneakyDevil chapter 2 . 7/22/2022
80% of what you have posted so far is irrelevant. You didn't need to spam post that skill shit, you could have just said something like [Loading Template: Rimiru, Demon Lord] instead. Then on top of that, despite having perfect vision and an Omni directional MAGIC sight, he and Great Sage both somehow miss the MAGICAL bird watching them? Then you do a two year time skip so can just skip to your shitty OC having all the skill needed on top of the broken powerset. Then you waste the entire rest of the chapter literally writing the episode scene by scene and word for word with literally no changes to it despite the OC having enough power to level Vale.

While you SPaG is more or less fine, your character is boring and obnoxious, and what dialogue you didn't copy paste is low quality.

You are the crystalization of everything wrong with fanfic. That isn't sexual related.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/18/2022
It's bub not buth
Daydreamer000 chapter 1 . 7/19/2022
How come Raphael failed to detect that crow when he's powerful enough to detect things 50 km away?
TheDemonicSaint chapter 2 . 7/19/2022
Uhh… bro you do realize someone with Rimuru’s power would’ve been able to bring in completely destroy Torchwick and Cinder like it’s nothing right? You did read the light novels?
Don Orbit chapter 2 . 7/19/2022
Look BlackfireDuelist4, you have been around here for only 2020 and you don't have a lot of experience when it comes to writing stories. This is why I'll tell you the following as unmistakably clear as I can:
When you write stories, people will judge them and tell you their opinion when you are lucky. Even when they tell you straight to your face just how much of an absolute dumpster fire your stuff is in their opinion, you are lucky when you get a word out of them, because most readers just don't review stuff. And here is a fine, but very important line to draw. A rude comment is rude towards you and your work without offering the slightest bit of criticism. A review that is just bad will offer criticism to allow you to improve your writing skills. This is why I pointed out the flaws in my review to the first chapter and why I'll do so again, so don't write it off as me just being rude, someone who just hates TenSura and therefore hates your story indiscriminately.

I think the very first line of your story here is already an elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. Timeskips can be done quite well, but starting a story off with a 2 year skip is just awful. You know which garbage ecchi harem isekai did exactly that? Master of Ragnarok and Blesser of the Einherjar and that stuff makes me want to build a time machine and go back to the Bronze Age just to kill the MC of that trashy light novel series.
The thing with timeskips is that when you do them, there needs to be a reason that needs the narrative to actually do so. This can be a training arc spanning over more than a week or or just a relatively monotonous quiet and boring life that wouldn't be interesting at all to read just to name some examples. However, this also has to do a lot with the context of the story itself as to determine what can be skipped and what shouldn't be.

So tell me BlackfireDuelist4, if I was to write a story of someone from one world reincarnating or transmigrating to another regardless of any factors such as race, age, biological sex or anything else really, should I skip the part where that main character basically goes around and explores this new world that is completely alien and unknown to them? If you say no, then how come you did that here? This story is about this MC going to Remnant. Their "adventures" and actions are the main focus of this stories plot. Unless it is something really mundane to do like some slice of life shenanigans of going to the grocery store or using the bathroom without any narrative weight on it, you should not skip that, because that's the whole point of your story existing in the first place.

Stories like this are quite literally the embodiment of the proverb "The journey is the destination".

So allow me to say here that you in your hubris and misguided belief of needing to attach your OC version of Rimuru to the main plot of RWBY have not only completely missed the point of your own story due to its very nature, you also wasted tons of potential for your main character to be more than just a cardboard cutout of the original character on top of literally everything that took place in those 2 years. What you are doing is "telling" us what happened, but as a writer you need to "show" your audience what is going on to allow them to immerse themselves in the plot. I'm not talking about not withholding information to create drama, mystery and a surprise at a later point in the story, but just the basic plot and what is supposed to make it interesting for us. Not to mention, the nonsensical nature of the events in that timeskip were really poorly executed from start to finish, but like I said already wasted potential.

I do give you credit for the first half of the recreated fight with Torchwick as your implementations of the Sage skill analysing things and building a connection to the TenSura elements was decent enough as well as the fact that Rimuru couldn't appraise Cinder, which at the same time also felt very out of place given how Rimuru has godlike powers and shouldn't be held back by either the seasonal maidens' magic nor the magic of some immortal ex-wife who is still salty about the divorce and hasn't manage to win a war in the shadows that not only never had to be fought in the shadows to begin with but also has lasted for centuries, perhaps even millennia when she still can't single-handedly take what she wants. The fight scene, however, seems to have been taken directly from the series and in the end Rimuru's interference did nothing to alter the plot as it should have. Again this is a story about a MC on another world. They are supposed to make a difference from the canon, because if they don't then what is the whole deal with the story existing in the first place? A question even more validated by the fact that Rimuru being there had absolutely no impact on the interrogation scene or anything for that fact. Seriously, it felt like they were not even there. That's literally how irrelevant your own MC is to the plot.

You know what kind of shows also have main characters that contribute absolutely nothing to the plot progression or narrative other than being there and making the world look less dead, barren and generally devoid of life? I don't. Because if a main character was actually so irrelevant I doubt their series would even get to the point of being published in form of a book. That or it's like High Guardian Spice's first episode where the episode was more comprised of world building, that is never shown again and never elaborated, than anything else, while the main characters themselves seem to be more like cardboard cutouts that exist like literally every other nameless and faceless character in the background.

I think you stand before two possible choices here if you wish to continue this story and you are likely to like neither.
1) You try to improve on your writing skill in the following chapters and actually piece together a story that people do want to read instead of literally throwing this into a garbage bin and go watch RWBY instead.
2) You rewrite this entire story to the point where it actually can be called a decent story on its own.
There's also the 3rd option of you not continuing, but since I don't want to be That Guy or Gal I didn't include it above. Plus with a lot of work and polishing it could be a good story on its own. But as things are right now, I'd tell you that you should drop whatever plans of a series you had planned for Cyan to be part of entirely as it simply wouldn't be an enjoyable series in the first place.

Feel free to PM me as I offer you now some help, so that we could do some brainstorming together and perhaps that would help you to piece together a story that would actually be of good quality and not just another clone of the canon stories it is based on.
Don Orbit chapter 1 . 7/19/2022
Biy, after reading the summary of this story alone I felt bad for you for thinking this was a good story concept, BlackfireDuelist4.
Because you know a bad story is a special kind of bad when the first chapter in half it's length is busy just dumping abilities onto the main character. That and I do harbor a special hatred towards stories where an already existing character is basically used as a skin for a game avatar for some OC to parade around in. As in, I honestly don't understand what the point of such stories is in the first place as I do believe that no matter how utterly idiotic a person can be, there must be at least a shred of common sense in an otherwise seemingly empty cranium.

Now I also wish to say that I do like the trope of being reincarnated as a monster, but Rimuru and everyone in the setting of TenSura being ridiculously powerful from the get go honestly turned me away from it. I am sure the extensive world building of the franchise "can" be used to make decent stories, but more often than not we get stuff like this and it honestly makes me hate Rimuru as a character even more.
I really didn't mind the first parts of the series as back then it still looked promising (except for getting a power up by the second most powerful true dragon in that multiverse by baptism) as in the MC is reborn as seemingly the weakest sort of fantasy creature imaginable. But all that was thrown under the metaphorical bus for power fantasy and I hate it.

This is also why your story is fundamentally bad in my opinion. Your character has so far done nothing, but transmigrating and is given tons of powers and abilities. And no that isn't how you design a final boss monster in an RPG, that's how you build an administration avatar for descending on cheaters to permanently ban/kill their avatars for breaking the rules/cheating.
The fact alone that this person was reborn as basically a Rimuru clone is mind-boggling to me as there is even more wrong than all that.
First off, all RWBY doesn't even have slimes. At least as far as we know, but given all fantasy creatures are either Grimm or faunus and how all Grimm seem to at least resemble a multicellular organism, it is save to assume that slimes and the closest thing to them IRL, which would be amoeba, are off limits here. So you can't really go for a monster reincarnation story with the usual stuff.
The only loophole in this whole thing as well as the second point would be the implementation of the TenSura system into the world of Remnant, preferably as a whole and not to just one individual, and how you made use of it. Rimuru still got most of his initial abilities from his dying wishes and sensations, including the Predator and Wise Sage skills. So yeah, don't do that without context or reason, please. At least TenSura tried to cover this up and justify it. This story though? Not even in the slightest.
Now the loophole I mentioned can be used at pretty much any race a reincarnator as even humans can level up and evolve in TenSura was a thing. However, it probably would also work on faunus if they are seen as a pre-evolution of beastmen or make your own custom evolutionary stages. Still, TenSura does have a level system and magic system that can pretty be used for both OC-centric stories in TenSura and other franchises.
And finally the last and a minor point, please don't give starting gear to reincarnators. It's one thing when you are actually reborn as a person on that world like in Ascendance of a Bookworm or any Reborn as the Villainess manga, it is something entirely else to be either actually be born, hatched or spawned depending on the world you are on. So yeah, your OC having clothes and that mask really rubs me the wrong way.

So in general, I can tell that this story is nothing to look forward to and is yet another story, that embodies some of the worst tropes of lazy fanfiction writing I've come across in almost a decade and the massive loss of potential to be something else than the n-th copy and paste of the same story that defines the fanfiction writing community of a franchise's fandom. And yes that's actually a thing. Look no further than the section of Gate - Thus The JSDF Fought There as almost every story there is a copy of one another who are copies of the actual canon plot or the anime plot to the point where I ask myself why people are even writing those things when I can just watch the anime instead and get some minimal amount of entertainment out of it.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2022
Good first chapter can't wait for the second one
Batthan the Dark Knight chapter 1 . 5/11/2022
That either had to be Qrow or Raven. But I am leaning towards Raven.
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