Reviews for On the Other Side |
![]() ![]() Une suite ! :) Et la suite pour l'autre fanfiction :) Bonne continuation :) |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hello dear :) so, this is gonna be a long one as I want to catch my real reactions to your story (like a live reaction, u know?) and I have a lot to say. So firstly, I came here from your story „The Stirring“ (that I absolutely love! Like how can a story be soooo goooood? - but, I intend to write a review there as well (as soon as I find the time). I am at chapter 19 now and wanted to start my review the next time I get to it (well and it is incredibly smart to start your other story but I love your writing and as there are only 7 chapters I thought I could catch up) and I am so excited to continue reading) … Okay, where was I before my rambling? Right, this story :D So I am currently at chapter 3 and so far I loved every second of it! I love your way you characterize Snape (honestly, I have never read a story that writes him as good as you do - same goes for The Stirring but I’m starting to ramble again) and I absolutely love your unique OC’s! But mostly I am sooo impressed how unbelievably smart you are! Like the whole concept of arithmantic and everything (how you use it as a plot device and tell us how it can be used in the wizard community (like in The Stirring with the Dubois Transform - I’m still undecided if this is something that does exist or not cause it just makes so much sense and I am at awe that someone is able to come up with that) is just so incredible smart. I’ve never thought of the possibilities of it (as I am really stupid in math, even so I study biological science, damn). Yeah so I will just keep on praising you from here on, while I continue reading :D Don’t mind me quoting you so I can react properly (or just highlighting all those little lines that made me laugh / smile / made me feel anything other than the motionless darkness in my heart … juuuust joking (am I?): „who'd suggested she needed a dirt sample from the wider area of the manor for her re-plottability enchantment calculations“ - like HOW are you this smart? Like wow, I feel so dumb right now because I would’ve never thought of something like THAT and it make SO much sense. Do you study math or something like this? "I hope your former professor is being gentle with you," - shots fired, Cissi. I’m grinning so widely, thank god I am alone in my room or otherwise I would have some explaining to do. But I love the interaction between Snape and Narcissa. It’s written so well (did I mention I am indeed a fan of your writing? Who would’ve guessed it?) „Who did you bribe for that Exceeds Potions N.E.W.T? Dreamless sleep is blue“ - well I guess he has to question his own curriculum then, right? :D btw I think it’s funny how your version of Snape is always drugging someone with his potions. „There was a large tart with a golden criss-cross lattice pastry and a side dish of creamy, cheesy gratin potatoes. There was also a rather large glass of red wine“ - well now I’m getting hungry .. love it how Snape is considerate and plays housewife now or then :D and he did not forget the alcohol, that is important! "Obviously." - you know what I had to think about, do you? (You first applied for the Defence Against The Dark Arts position, is that correct? - Yes - But it was unsuccessful? - Obviously :( - this interaction with Umbridge was just hilarious) "Because I want to win this war and I don't believe brutalising prisoners is effective towards that aim." - well, makes me think: Does he really in your story or is it still a disguise? Time will tell I suppose. "Erm, where should I sleep?" — ah don’t we all love our little What-a-shame-there-is-only-one-bed-trope :D What could go wrong here, hahaha :D "I want you to say I won't touch you." - I love your version of Snape so much … it just lives in my head rent free! This considerate side behind his masks and walls - yes, I can see it and I am here for it! „Please let me know what you think and if you'd like to see this fic continued…“ - Girl I swear if you cancel any story of yours, I WILL find you and riot! Don’t do this to me :( „He deposited something heavy on her bedside drawer and said, "If you can't sleep.“ - STOP IT I’M CRYING. Thats just too adorable (even though the situation obviously is not but still!) „except for an unusual amount of buttons and fastenings, as though he believed his clothing was likely to be torn off him at any moment.“ - okay I am laughing so hard at that mental image … snape on a broom, fearing for dear live that his clothes are going to magically disappear or being ripped of by the wind - or it is just the childhood trauma of James Potter and his gang … something you hinted just now as I continued reading :D (you little smartie, I see what you did there) „Rubbing her hands under the water to wash away the remaining gel she noticed her arms were hairless. Popping her head out of the shower, she checked the mirror and noticed there was a small patch of hair missing behind her left ear“ - this is just so hilarious- what are you planning to write here? What is this plot device for?- I am afraid (and mildly curious hehe). I’m feeling ashamed from just reading this (and probs to you as you are great at writing something that makes me feel secondhand-embarrassment :D you have absolutely no idea how many times I had to put my phone down when I started to read The Stirring! (Btw. It is a good secondhand embarrassment … but embarrassment nonetheless)) „so it would be very naive to think she, a Hufflepuff, could out-Slytherin the previous head of that house.“ - but you can try, Alice. For my entertainment and for the DRAMA that will follow! „His eyes flicked to the small patch of hair missing above her ear“ - there it is again. The secondhand embarrassment… I had to close the tab for a second to prepare myself :D but damn Snape has a whole beauty routine going on. Who would’ve imagined it while reading the books ? „Alice looked away, trying not to think about whether he'd used that second last nozzle“ - well … first time for everything, right ? :D "If you were to guess." - i love it how she gives EVERYTHING away by thinking about it :D might add their phone numbers and email addresses to it as well, Alice. What makes me ask about Snapes loyalty again btw "How long has Lavande been working on prophylactics for the killing curse?" - which is absolutely brilliant, I am curious if and how you will explain this to us. I am sure you will come up with something that makes me feel dumb again :D „Don't think about Him.“ - I can feel the secondhand embarrassment already … „when she realised that her emotional outburst was probably partly due to her hunger“ - or maybe because you were captured by the enemy and now you are locked up with one and haven’t breathed fresh air in a while .. just saying "How could I possibly be reading your mind?" His voice was incredulous.“ - you are such a liar, Snape. Girl, don’t fall for it „Also trigger warning for menustration.“ - Girl stop reading MY mind … not me currently dying in my room (not to be dramatic and all) But I see a pattern there (with The Stirring) … are you okay? :D „growing sense of unease that it was about the theory of wandless magic“ - AHA! So what I read between the lines is that Snape is indeed loyal to Dumbledore … if I’m allowed to make assumptions here :D „Snape allowing her to read it was a clear sign that he considered her in no way a threat.“ - damn … didn’t even think about this .. so maybe it is just mockery at its best „that their father had left more than enough money in the vital shops to cover all three of his daughters' supplies for the rest of their schooling“ - my unsolved daddy issues are crying right now „would she be brave enough to ask him for a potion?“ - I wouldn’t, that’s for sure. My trust issues told me to never show weakness and emotions in front of others .. you see, a lot of issues here, not gonna lie "-Yes, I see that," he replied, his brow furrowed, "Did something else happen?“ - I am gonna repeat myself but: your Snape. Just like the one in The Stirring. We love grown up men, ha! (And I am quite sure poor Snape has seen his fair share as a teacher (head of house, mind you) at Hogwarts :D ) "For the crime of not falling pregnant?" he asked, sounding incredulous.“ - well .. I do believe there a men that do think that this is a crime indeed … . : "I don't have a potion specifically for cramping but I can procure some if you require it." - Stop it, I am crying! Can someone please procure a potion for meeeee, thanks :D "And when we do win, it'd be advantageous if not all the half-blood witches in the country despised the wizards who rule in the new order." - Ohhh I see what you did there … I see …. And I am here for it „he wanted her and the other witches he would eventually rule over to consider him a benevolent leader.“ - yeah yeah …. Benevolent leader .. you tell yourself that Alice "I didn't dismiss you," he stated.“ - He said like the true teacher he is „Alice winced. She felt abruptly hollow.“ - oh. OH. I believe I got what you meant here. Uff if im right , that’s some heavy stuff going on in his head „It was deliciously warm and she hugged it gratefully to her abdomen.“ - Snape the (somewhat aggressive and insistent) woman whisperer „Sophia's curse compels the victim to submit to the caster. (…)“ - and here you are again - making me wonder if you did indeed study the magic arts and if I am just a muggle who missed out on all the fun stuff :( how are you this creative? Like I googled it and there is nothing on the internet, HOW are you so clever - can’t relate, I’m gonna stay dumb and admire your work. "Whether you're weak or not, that's not why Sophia's curse worked on you“ - tell me exactly why it did work on her - I HAVE to know, like it is physically painful (not to be dramatic - but as you can see I can’t handle patience very well.) „When she woke the next morning however, she found a book on her bedside table with a bookmark at a page entitled, Sophia's Curse.“ - hehe, thanks for easing my curiosity Thank god there is one chapter left …. I love your story so far! (Damn it is a long review already, I do hope I can post it all on the story :D) „This hex inspires feelings of intense pleasure in those who get satisfaction from submitting to others“ - NO YOU DID NOT :D reading this I had do go back and just laugh at her mentioning Bellatrix and his reaction to NARCISSA, I am crying. This is soooooo gooooood! And probs to you - really - for integrating topics like this into the magic universe like a pro! For real, you did amazing in The Stirring - adding your whole idea to such an environment like Hogwarts is quite hard and you did soooo well - honestly I can see it happening. Like for real, you are an amazing story teller „Because, and I understand you may find this concept challenging, sometimes it's better to protect an asset rather than rip it to shreds." - you do so good at writing sentences like this that just scream ‚Snape‘. They are so perfect in character! "Careful, Blackwood, I'd hate to have to kill you, your sister might get upset and not invite me back into her bed." - he DID NOT SAY JUST THAT! DAMN SHOTS FIRED „Alice had an urge to turn around and look at Snape, naked behind the clear glass of the shower“ - I dare you to do it Alice. Come on. Do it „Snape stepped towards her and grabbed her elbows, steadying her.“ - well we love the old getting-up-from-the-bathtub-and-hitting-your-head-while-getting-out-trope, don’t we? :D "You will not be duelling, but you will stay by my side today and you will need to be appropriately dressed." - I love the way you are taking here "To test the new recruits." - uhhhh I am too excited to read this! „Leave me a little review if you are feeling generous :)“ - a ‚little‘ review, hahah. Ups. I do hope I can send it, otherwise I have to split it into multiple parts :D So, firstly: Thank you sooo much for sharing your stories and thanks for all the effort behind it! I loved / love every chapter of yours and I am so excited to continue reading in the future (I am just a bit devastated, that I found (both) of your stories uncompleted - which means I have to prepare my really bad patience and have to wait for the next chapters instead of just drinking them all up in one go (well god gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, does he not? Not me being dramatic again ) I follow another story that only updates once or twice a year - and let me tell you, that is so incredibly painful and yet so beautiful. Last year she updated on my birthday and it was like a present to me (what reminds me: you almost did too, just missed it by a few days and yet I DID take it as a present :D ) okay, my bracket is getting out of hand) Secondly: You have an incredible talent for storytelling. You manage to make the characters feel alive, you don’t shy away from certain topics and you think of stuff that just makes soooo much sense and which gives your stories a certain charm and a unique perspective. I’ve never read about a character who works as an arithmancer and honestly I’ve never thought about all the possibilities until now. So I am very curious to see in which direction this story is going to go (and if Alice will leave the Manor anytime soon) Thirdly: Can’t wait for your next update! (On both your stories, as I intend to continue The Stirring very soon and like I said my patience is really bad when I am excited to continue - but no pressure here :D Please take all the time you need) All in all I do hope my enthusiastic review (with all my nonsense rambling and my weirdness) did make you smile and repaid you some for all your work and dedication and of course for sharing this story with us for free. If you feel the need to answer I would love to hear from you - but do not feel the need to, as I read on one of your AO3-Chapters that you are shy and social anxiety is just a bit*h :D And (btw) I’ve seen your cover for The Stirring and it is just sooo beautiful! So you can write and draw and you are smart - well, that’s quite unfair I would say :D but good for you I guess Blablabla from my side - thanks for writing and sharing! I enjoyed myself immensely and will now return to my own writing, staring at it while contemplating all my life choices and deleting all my stuff again (yeah I love being dramatic) Have a great day! :) |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ahh, what an evil place to leave us! We're finally getting out of the room, and now what? Can't wait to see what happens next! On that note, are you sure that we, your adoring public, can't pay a small monthly fee for faster updates? Nilsia Tengun: Premium. Haha. Kidding. Mostly. It's only been a week and a half. I'll be patient. I had to go back and re-read this one from the start. It's really so good - criminal that there aren't more hits or comments. But then, that's the Snape/OC ship for you. As always, your Snape is so spot-on. And funny! His insulting one-liners, lol, you have such a gift for those! I really enjoyed his exchange with Greyback, who was suitably menacing. And of course we got some fan service - the image of him still steaming from the shower. Oh my! The new info about Sophia's Curse is intriguing. I'd nearly forgotten about that, but you're setting us up nicely for...Something. I know it! And I can't wait! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Really enjoying this story. Please update soon! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ooooooooo love it! Very scary though! |
![]() ![]() I’ve forgotten how much I love this fic. Thank you for the update! The notification made me so happy |
![]() ![]() :)))))))))): |
![]() ![]() ![]() I love this so much - I just binged it! Alice is really interesting, and well drawn character, and I like how you always take us straight into the action but also give everything context and nuance. Can't wait for the next chapter! |
![]() ![]() An entire month, c’mon girl, make my day |
![]() ![]() Excited for what comes next! |
![]() ![]() Very much enjoying reading this fix and I can’t wait for more |
![]() ![]() hi I came all the way from ao3 for more of The Stirring and I just want to say I love this too! Like, your nervous characters are so refreshing and relatable to me. Both in my top 5 fanfics now. Love love. Roisin is a hurricane-or her life is. The way you write her makes me feel like, yes, she's a different kind of being like sometimes I feel like I'm a different species too, but that's part of being a human. Or something. Like life is throwing bowling pins and unicycles at her from all angles while she keeps freezing up because she didn't go to juggling school. As for this story, when he said she could leave soon I was like, "Noooo! There hasn't been enough touching yet! I want him to gulp her down like he did that wine." And I'm actually really into Alice's mom. Just that she seems cool. Anyway, thanks! I'll keep on checking for those updates cuz I need to know what happens next, and rereading because it feeds me. |
![]() ![]() ![]() "For the crime of not falling pregnant?" lol. Another very enjoyable chapter - thank you for the update! Thank you for the dedication (both generally and this chapter-specific dedication to those who menstruate). Not going to lie, I groaned a little internally when I read that, afraid that Snape would transform into some fluffy, super-woke version of himself who rattles off a list of feminist talking-points. (I'm not being flippant - I'm a feminist and regularly rattle off these talking points myself. I just think they're out-of-character when coming from Snape). But, of course, I should have had more faith! Your Snape is, as ever, spot-on and not overdone. Brava! And, best of all, he remains a complete asshole. A well-behaved half-blood with unsavory political beliefs! How dismissive and demeaning. I have a feeling Alice will prove to be less "well-behaved" than he thought. And then there's your trademarks, all the things you're good at as a writer - investigating magic, magical theory, etc. Little nuances, like Snape's turning the question "Do you think you're weak?" back on her, reacting the way he did about Narcissa. Good stuff. Can't wait to see what happens next! Will the Captive! trope continue? Will Snape release her as promised? Will we get a look at his life beyond the bedchamber? Will there be smut? Only time will tell. -QB |
![]() ![]() Yes, well... Now I will slowly die of curiosity until the next chapter comes out. I really have so many doubts and don't know where this is going that the best I can do is be patient and try not to get too excited. |
![]() ![]() So he IS going to release her... Really enjoyed this chapter! |