Reviews for On the Other Side
Guest chapter 6 . 9/14/2022
um... how would she be pregnant... I thought he didn't touch her
little.sloth.scribe chapter 6 . 9/13/2022
I loved this chapter, you did a brilliant job! Thank you for writing about menstruation and the awful side effects that it causes, I wish our society wasn't so squeamish about it. Periods are a natural occurrence and should not be brushed under the rug, I'm so happy you added in this bit. :)
Spark10111 chapter 6 . 9/11/2022
I’m excited to see where this story goes
sonderful chapter 6 . 9/11/2022
Regrettably I’m have reached the end of this chapter, and there is not another one to satiate my curiosity for what happens next. This fic is so different than your other one. And while they depict two different sides to Snapes situation. Given the precarious situation he is in in canon, it’s really cool how delicately you adjust the narrative around him to suit each of your stories. With Alice he cannot trust anyone with the knowledge that he is with the Order (even if the Order doesn’t know it), but he still tries to protect her as best he can. Because he’s on her side. With Róisín, her best protection is her ignorance. The more she knows, the more she fears, and the more she reacts. In both fics he puts himself directly into the line of fire in different ways. Both with subtle resistance but in this story Life and Death is put up front. There’s no reason to keep Alice alive, except, of course, she’s resistance. And that’s what makes it so addicting. Snape can’t put right say “you can’t have her” without bringing attention to the situation. And your subtlety with language and expressions are really well practiced and fit perfectly with the characters you created and write.
Elizabeth Archambeau chapter 6 . 9/11/2022
This was a great chapter! It was interesting to see them interact more. And now that we know that Alice will be freed, I'm very curious to see what her new living arrangements and life will be like.
A. S. Oswald chapter 6 . 9/11/2022
Glad to see this story updated! It's interesting and refreshing that you detailed a character getting their period - most authors (myself included) skirt around that even when it's perhaps something which could be relevant to the story. Like if they're captive or say, flung back in time or something, it would just be interesting to see how they dealt with that!
Also I noticed that you referred to Alice as Róisín on this chapter - I'm sure it's easy to muddle your OC's up! Looking forward to seeing the forthcoming chapters for both of your works.
Guest chapter 6 . 9/11/2022
Oh, I loved it. I’m getting more and more excited by this story, and I’m SO in love with your Snape. Can't wait to see these two having more interactions.
thanks for the update
midnightquaffles chapter 4 . 9/7/2022
Okay I came here straight from reading The Stirring and I can't tell which story I love more. I really hope you continue them both. I love seeing Snape as a captor and protector all in one.
Aixiel chapter 5 . 9/1/2022
Hi, I'm really enjoying this story so far! Alice is an interesting character and I'm interested to see how the story plays on.
Also wish I had a magical potent hair removal cream.

As always, thanks for the good read!
QuarantineBlues chapter 5 . 8/25/2022
Another update! We are lucky readers, aren't we? Thank you so much for this. I'm still finding this a little rough - but I really, really want you to take that as praise. You are not being cavalier with the captivity trope, and that makes all the difference. Alice continues to develop and enthrall as a character, and Snape continues to mystify. The tension (sexual and otherwise) is almost too much to bear, but I commend you for not rushing it. And as for the general psychology, excellent work. I'm nearly ready to fall in love with Snape for providing tea without r*pe - which, of course, is the whole point of the trope at its stockholm-iest. Might I commend you on the description, too? It's a rare treat to be so transported. Thank you. Can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/23/2022
I just want to see how this progresses... The tension!
little.sloth.scribe chapter 5 . 8/21/2022
I love this story so far, Alice is a great character and I love that you made her a former Hufflepuff! I hope you update again soon, if you ever need or want help feel free to message or email me! :)
Kawashima Sadako chapter 5 . 8/21/2022
Really interesting fic!
I am curious to see how it will develop. 3
Ton chapter 5 . 8/21/2022
You must continue. Don't even think about giving that up.
Eleni chapter 5 . 8/19/2022
Oh no, she’s going to be there a while. I hope someone’s looking for her!
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