Reviews for On the Other Side
Elizabeth Archambeau chapter 2 . 5/23/2022
Really enjoying this new story!
QuarantineBlues chapter 2 . 5/22/2022
Two updates in such s short period of time! You're starting to spoil your readers :) But seriously, this is amazingly written, and I agree with other posters that your Snape is magnificent. The assault was hard to read - that's not a criticism, but a tribute to your writing ability. I know it was put on for show (and Bellatrix was great here, by the way) but I still felt Alice's fear, and, man, that defeated sob - that hit in the gut. And I love that you've given us a strong heroine who is still human enough to be terrified - because that's how real life is.

Oh, and Quinoa the cat. Was there ever a better name for an animal? Thanks for that balm to soothe at the end.

Looking forward to more.


Guest chapter 1 . 5/15/2022
“Hopefully this story will keep you entertained for the time being”? Girl, I don’t feel entertained I feel obsessed with two stories (and loving it). It’s an absurd how well you write. Normally, I’m not a fan of OC, but still, yours are so natural and interesting that Alice already got me.
QuarantineBlues chapter 1 . 5/14/2022
Delicious beginning! And by "delicious", I mean terrifying, well-written, and full of promise. I'm so glad you're still writing (and so glad you're still working on The Stirring!) Poor Alice. And I shudder to think what that curse does. So much unanswered right now - and all because she needed a thimble-ful of dirt! Alas. Can't wait to see where this goes.


vallilakshmanan chapter 1 . 5/12/2022
Woah I like this female lead.
I feel like this is going to super fun. Also I’m amazed how you keep Snape so on character.

Congratulations on staring a new story.
Can’t wait to read more
little.sloth.scribe chapter 1 . 5/12/2022
I liked the first chapter, update when you can! :)
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