Reviews for A Song of Magic
Guest chapter 51 . 12/4/2024
I mean really, look at fandoms like Warhammer which has a fanbase far more dedicated than anything George ever wrote, and yet still, hardcore Warhammer fans have no problem with honestly thinking about and pondering about shit like "what if the Doom Marine was in Warhammer?"

And they aren't afraid to admit that the Warhammer universe would be royally fucked because nothing in the Warp could stop Doomguy. And there are good and respectful fanfiction about this as well.

The same with Skyrim, it has a dedicated hardcore fanbase, obsessed with the lore of the world, and yet mods like Thomas the Tank engine and countless titty and sex mods exist as well.

Where is any of that levity and fun in this fandom? Authors are not even willing to make a little crack story about GOT, no, it all has to be dreary, dramatic and so serious.

Why so serious? What's so terrible about writing a story with a true Naruto in Got? What's so unbelievably bad about giving Naruto his powers and write something that might actually come close to a true "what if" scenario?

Y'all are boring people. And I mean that. All of you authors who dip your toes into GOT are just so boring. You don't have any fantasy or courage.
Guest chapter 45 . 12/4/2024
Jesus, I hate stories like this so fucking much.

I'm coming to hate Game of Thrones stories with a passion, because it feels like every single wanna be author that writes a Game of Thrones story is a pathetic little pussy, either afraid to change a single goddamn thing out of fear of Angering the cosmic, biblical sanctity of plot, or is it that 99% of authors in this crossover section have less fantasy than fun than all other sections combined on this dying platform?

Every single fucking story I've read that plays out before Roberts Rebellion treats Rhaegar and Lyanna's tryst as the one sacred thing that cannot be changed, cannot be subverted, cannot be stoppen and may not be touched, for whatever fucking reason that there is, even if it means making any character so dumb, gullible and spineless that you may as well just pour proverbial gasoline over any and all good will that readers may have had for them in the first place.

"Oh MY character could have stopped it BUT!"

"Oh oh, but the...the DRAMA, the DRAMA, the DRAMA! Oh daddy Martin please love me!"

"OH oh oh...but but but...but Jon...I can't live without my Jonny! I can't TAKE it, I cant take writing a Game of Thrones story without the child neglect and the RAPE! Oh I need my Jonny! Please Kid Harrington, love me sempai!"

It's amazing that a complete fandom, filled with over a thousand "unique" stories and a dozen authors all just collectivley shrug your shoulders before continuing to write the same exact shit over and over again, giving the same exact fucking excuses for making main characters basically pretty much useless and expect readers to gobble it all up and be thankful for the dump you took down their throats.

This is why fanfiction is dying.

If I asked Chat GPT to write a what if story about Naruto being in Game of would be better. AI could see through the bullshit you wrote.

But hey whatever. If you have some sort of unceasing desire to make a gutted Naruto Jon's exchange daddy, without having the balls to make a romance between Lyanna and Naruto yourself and rather just kill her off like all the other brain dead cannon monkeys on this site, do your thing. You still managed to find 2000 people who gobble it up regardless.

You know, fanfiction used to be about "what ifs", fun ideas with no fucks given. Now fanfiction is just about "what's the smallest little change that I can get away with without having to think of anything myself and just use whatever it is the author has written".

Because apparently reading a fanfiction about the same plot as the original, just that little bit worse, just that little bit less polished, and just that tiniest little bit different from the cannon plot to make sure that readers aren't completely falling asleep while fawning over how the "amizing author" has somehow managed to write a story about a crossover of two completely different universes, cultures, powers, laws and customs and yet still keep everything just the same. Wow. Bravo.

Amazing how you dedicate your I'm assuming limited time to think of ways to keep the overarching plot of GOT the same, to change nothing, instead of trying to come up with new and interesting ways to solve problems and perhaps change the plot respectfully while trying to honor both fandoms a bit, instead of just edging to the thought of one fandom and the delicious drama within while utterly cucking the other.

I'm telling you, this is the reason why ASOIAF will NEVER have a sprawling and vibrant community as let's say, Warhammer, or the Elder Scrolls community. Because all of George RR Martins fans are so utterly terrified of changing the work of their GOD, Lord and Saviour while just writing the same shit over and over again, until everyone loses interest.

Or it might just be that a plot as sprawling and far reaching as the one from GOT would take nuance and skill to alter, and none of you idiots have the neurons to even give it a try.
avarath1 chapter 46 . 11/18/2024
Didnt he learn about medicinal herbs at least? You wrote a scene about it while he was at the citadel.
avarath1 chapter 45 . 11/18/2024
You might not see any way for Rhaegar to have married Lyanna, completely ignoring the possibility of an annulment. However, consider this: Lyanna is the noble daughter of a Lord Paramount. She may have wanted to find a way out of her predicament with Bobby B, but she wouldnt have allowed her progress without at least being wed.
Panto9 chapter 9 . 11/17/2024
i always wondered the reasonin behind this no kill rule that certain characters habour in stories. Take gor instance, Naruto letting the remaining pirates go instead of finishing them off. Now he has let loose these pirates to go continue what they were doing before, and causing even more damage. So in a way, he will be partly responsible for whatever damage or havoc they wreck in the future. Instead of avoiding all that by jist finishing them off, he decides to let them go and even potentially getting future enemies who would want a piece of him for "revenge". Just plain stupid morals
tylor13roney chapter 10 . 11/2/2024
good he is learning archery i swear archery is better then a fucking sword lol.

mace is better then a sword.
Guest chapter 51 . 10/28/2024
Lot1t chapter 12 . 10/30/2024
So far, I don't like the way it's written. The fights are stuffy and protracted, while they are written so poorly that I hardly understand what is happening at all. The plot is also kind of creepy, they arrived in Volantis and didn't tell a damn thing about it, even where they lived and how they interacted with people was not said, apparently they slept in the middle of the street. It is also not said what means they live on. Extremely weak.
Lot1t chapter 3 . 10/30/2024
As for me, it's not necessary to make Naruto stronger at all, he dealt with the crowd without any problems. If he gets even stronger, then it won't be interesting to read.
Darth Tenibris2 chapter 17 . 9/7/2024
There is like nothing at all happening in this story. Like at all. There's no actual plot to this story just random stuff that these cardboard cutout characters are interacting with. It's so hard to read this at all and doesn't captivate you at all.

I cannot continue reading this.
tarrangar chapter 45 . 9/5/2024
Personally my guess about the Rhaegar situation would be one of 3 things, 1 Rhaegar actually outright kidnapped her from the start, 2 Lyanna decided to spite Robert by not being a Maiden when they married, and the handsome Prince dermed perfect for a few days debauchery to spite Robert for not being faithful to her, Rhaegar then turned it into a kidnapping by forcing her to come with him when she wanted to go home, 3 Lyanna wanted to run off to Essos and try to make a life for herself there, Rhaegar pretended to help and then turned it into a kidnapping.

I give these options because what we have seen of Lyanna she’s rather invested in honor, and I don’t think that much of a hypocrite, she hates Robert for sleeping around, so I don’t think she would want a Prince cheating on his wife for anything longterm, but if she don’t hate Roberts other women only Robert herself, she could very well not care that her planned short dalliance with Rhaegar is him cheating on Elia, since he’s already shown he’s dishonoring her anyway when he crowned Lyanna Queen of love and beauty, so if it’s not her he will just sleep around with someone else.
tarrangar chapter 38 . 9/4/2024
Peace really can’t be reached as opposed to just an armistice until the situation with Lyanna is resolved, if Rhaegar kidnapped and raped her, making him King would be unacceptable to at least Robert and Ned, and they could easily drag the rest of the rebellion into continuing, so the only terms in that case that would be acceptable would be Rhaegar executed or sent to the Wall, Aegon crowned King with a regent appointed from amongst the rebels.

If Lyanna came willingly Rhaegar was still a damn fool that majorly wronged House Stark and Baratheon, and the reparations they are offered has to be increased by an order of magnitude in order for them to accept him as King.

If Rhaegar wasn’t actually involved the terms as they stand work.
tarrangar chapter 33 . 9/4/2024
Also remember the show explanation for Lyanna and Rhaegar is just that the show explanation, the books haven’t shown us what happened yet, if book 6 ever get published it might, but until then, well we just don’t know.

I really doubt what the show says is the real explanation, Lyanna having run away maybe, Lyanna willingly staying with Rhaegar after a war was started and her father and brother murdered far less likely.
tarrangar chapter 4 . 9/3/2024
Personally I quite like the nerf, it’s enough to give the story tension without taking away Narutos power entirely.
Scorpions1617 chapter 16 . 8/31/2024
Q paso de valkirya a esto ? No lo digo de mal pero quiero saber que paso
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