Reviews for A Song of Magic
PaladinRoggle chapter 50 . 3/29/2024
Good chapter. Excited to read more
Cooltony101neo chapter 50 . 3/28/2024
After Lyanna is saved Naruto has to go save the previous queen and her kid
bluryface2412 chapter 50 . 3/28/2024
Love the update and having a chapter from Neds pov. Cant wait to see what happens next
Guest chapter 50 . 3/27/2024
malinkody chapter 50 . 3/28/2024
Thank you for the update. I enjoyed Starks perspective. Very excited to find out what happened to Naruto and the others.
Ningen life chapter 50 . 3/28/2024
Thanks for the update
reality deviant chapter 50 . 3/28/2024
nice chapter, but feels too short.
Kuman chapter 50 . 3/27/2024
If Jaime Lannister can cut through plate and chain like butter with a normal sword, then Valyrian Steel is a freaking light saber lmao
TianYi chapter 50 . 3/27/2024
Aww, was hoping for more Naruto action!
Alexander4443 chapter 50 . 3/27/2024
Good chapter
Uzumaki09's WhirlpoolSaga chapter 50 . 3/27/2024
Always a pleasure to read an awesome story!
Jebest4781 chapter 50 . 3/27/2024
Quite nice with how this was done here.
JustAngry chapter 1 . 3/22/2024
Yeah, always wanted to read about useless naruto with no chakra in a crossover fic. Said absolutely no one ever.
Drew86419 chapter 2 . 3/21/2024
Yeah i dont like this story or reasoning, you shouldve just made your own charcater if you dont want to have Narutos personality or any of his abilities. Fics with a third of the word count have many more reviews because every actually intelligent person can tell this is a dumb story idea.
hjean5759 chapter 49 . 3/18/2024
when is the next chapter
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