Reviews for A Song of Magic
tarrangar chapter 4 . 9/3/2024
Personally I quite like the nerf, it’s enough to give the story tension without taking away Narutos power entirely.
Scorpions1617 chapter 16 . 8/31/2024
Q paso de valkirya a esto ? No lo digo de mal pero quiero saber que paso
AVL04 chapter 51 . 8/31/2024
Interesting story I won't lie, even though I personally believe Naruto's relationship with Ashara was a bit rushed, hope you update soon
AVL04 chapter 43 . 8/31/2024
Jaehaerys II was a weak king, no one in Westeros really liked him tbh, the guy ruined a political marriage to marry his wife, an incest marriage that had not been done since Aegon IV and his wife Naerys, while Aelor and Aelora were promised to each other, we all know they died before consuming it
AVL04 chapter 41 . 8/31/2024
Ok let's put it this way, Naruto is so fucking delusional, also not having a lot of chakra still lets Naruto use basic techniques such as substitution and body flickering which are as basic as it gets, he could genuinely kill every Kingsguard in a matter of seconds
AVL04 chapter 40 . 8/31/2024
why is Naruto taking orders from Rhaegar LMFAO
AVL04 chapter 18 . 8/31/2024
Funnily enough, Naruto with much less chakra would be a god at Sage Mode lol one of the biggest issues he had with Sage Mode and learning how to control it was his massive chakra pool
kaladin1205 chapter 50 . 8/10/2024
I would love to be able to express in English, without any external help, everything I've felt so far about this fic, but since I can't, I'll just say it... I've just read everything you've written of this fic in 3 days, obviously staying up late those three days, but I have everything much clearer now and I can say that this fic is written with a lot of love and great attention to detail. If it weren't a fic, I could tell you without a doubt that much of what I've read could perfectly fit in some books I've read, really good books (in my opinion), and that attribute to you a tremendous merit for the palpable effort I've come to feel while reading. I sincerely hope you continue with the fic, take as long as you need, that if you have more ideas you don't hesitate to express them because your style is great and is not very far from the more formal writing I've come to read. I wouldn't put you at the level of a book like one of The Wheel of Time, but without a doubt your style is at least at the level of the writing of the first book of the Red Rising saga, and that is undoubtedly impressive. I wish you all the best and hope to see more chapters of this fic soon, until then I will wait eagerly... Bye ;)

PD:I wanted to leave this comment on the last chapter but I already commented there and it wouldn't let me, so F.
moozga chapter 51 . 8/8/2024
This story is great! Can't wait to read more of it!
i.amdizzy2 chapter 51 . 8/8/2024
Impressive , hopefully it updates soon .
i.amdizzy2 chapter 50 . 8/8/2024
This man reaped a bloody toll.
i.amdizzy2 chapter 49 . 8/8/2024
The Butcher
i.amdizzy2 chapter 49 . 8/8/2024
What the hell hit this guy.
i.amdizzy2 chapter 41 . 8/8/2024
You gone pay.
i.amdizzy2 chapter 41 . 8/8/2024
This guy Rhaegar tweaked out . Yall aint cool like that bro lol.
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