Reviews for Paid In Blood - REVISED (Originally by Zaterra02)
faz551 chapter 1 . 6/13/2022
Very edgy and so cringe, I have second hand embarassement just by reading this story...
hubadebaduh chapter 22 . 6/13/2022
bumpity bump bump bumpity bump bump Frosty's hooked on coke
bahnannah chapter 22 . 6/13/2022
Holy plot twists, Batman! I’m just mind blown. I was flabbergasted with the murder suicide, but now I’m just mind whammied.
bahnannah chapter 20 . 6/12/2022
He didn’t kill Scylla did he? I liked her.
mizzrazz72 chapter 18 . 6/12/2022
Now Harry has to deal with Granger and the rest of the Weasley's.
AriomAlucard chapter 16 . 6/11/2022
This is so amazing thank you for this!
Master Of Death MoD chapter 1 . 6/11/2022
Great work!
This is also one of my all time favourites.
Good to see someone willing to improve upon it even more!
hubadebaduh chapter 1 . 6/11/2022
I remember reading the original and barely being able to finish so thank you
ZombieBanana chapter 14 . 6/11/2022
For an old dark lord Potter sure acts like an angst filled teenager, and for a supposedly cunning Slytherin he allows his enemies far too many chances; if not for a Christmas gift he could have lost his obsession and have to go back in time all over again.
bahnannah chapter 2 . 6/11/2022
I will freely admit that I never read the original because I couldn’t get very far with all the errors and I didn’t care enough to edit it to make it legible. I did that a couple times for people because they whined about not having a beta. After the hateful comments I got from the authors, I understood why they had no luck with betas. You’re a good person for taking this on and it’s great to read.
Lincos chapter 1 . 6/10/2022
I know this is a repost, but this is such an badly written story full of terrible cliches.
Ellie.Cast4 chapter 1 . 6/10/2022
Such a good read, I haven’t read the original and am happy to be on this road of revision you’re taking us through!
Thanks for the hard work involved!
guest1 chapter 5 . 6/10/2022
Thank you for doing this! I am sure the original author would be happy that someone helped with this!
Pteaset chapter 1 . 6/10/2022
Love it so good
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