Reviews for Paid In Blood - REVISED (Originally by Zaterra02)
libby chapter 28 . 1/26/2024
really good story !
wolfpaw21 chapter 28 . 1/25/2024
Definitely one of my favourites
peterco chapter 10 . 1/23/2024
Having said all that, I do appreciate that other characters who are often turned into super villains (Snape and Dumbledore and a lot of Slitherin students) feel like real flawed people
peterco chapter 9 . 1/23/2024
This could get pretty interesting.

Buttt everyone is so nasty it's a bit unpleasant to read.
Herione, Ron and the Gryffindors are all worse than I remember from cannon
Harry himself reads like a reactionary self-righteous 80-year old man. Sure it's not out of character. Making this worse, the story is written from Harry's perspective, so his self-righteousness makes it feel like you're actually glorifying his views.
Take Harry's views on muggleborns/mudbloods: Harry complains that muggleborns don't learn enough about magical society, completely ignoring that the purebloods (both Dark and Light) deliberately keep them ignorant. And that Hermione is a child in a bloody school, and it IS the responsibility of adults that she learns the important things she needs to know.
This kind of partial blindness is typical for people who are stuck in their own facebook bubble :(
Guest chapter 28 . 1/20/2024
Hello fellow writter.
I used to be zaterra02. Thank you for your interest in what my mind conjured. And thank you for keeping it alive. Today I found several drafts in my computer and decided to check these for some reviews. I think I am.a bit masochist sometimes... I was surprised when I found your revised version.
Feel free to pick up on any of the other stories as well.

Good luck friend.
313331 chapter 28 . 1/20/2024
probably one of the best ive read
Guest chapter 11 . 1/10/2024
You know, I love your work. I have to ask. Why not kill Draco, Hermonie, neville ect. first thing? That would solve all problems. Of course then the story would only be two chapters long. Never mind.
Beth1112 chapter 28 . 12/17/2023
I really enjoyed your story
ranielpaulvillamor25 chapter 28 . 12/15/2023
This story has earned a lot of my praise.

Time travel stories is not new but the way the plot was weaved plus the twist in the end is definitely something that will stick with me.

Characters are portrayed realistically. Imperfect but lovable.

The raw emotions that can be derived from the lines are very real. I rarely cry on stories but when the backstories of Christmas 2006 and Christmas 2012 were revealed, it made me drop my iPad and cry for a couple of minutes. I can tell the author has experienced the grief from losing someone dear to be able to paint the emotions into his paragraphs.

But my biggest is that this has to be one of the most amazing depictions and re-imagination of the House of Slytherins. The OG story as well as many of the fanfiction stories simply paint the Slytherins as the bad guys simply because of a few characters.
It was a massive wasted opportunity to fully paint the house of the cunning in their best light but this story has done it justice.

One thing I would like to point out was the fate of Snape. It was mentioned in the early chapters that he would have to be punished for his role in the death of Harry’s parents as well as his general attitude against Harry both in the past and present. Another thing is that I also think Neville’s death was too sudden and too quick. I expected the author to torment him as he did with the older version. I also would have liked to see the Black Wands (the student club) in action.

Thank you Frosty for revising this masterpiece from Zattera02!
PixiefiedMagic chapter 1 . 11/25/2023
Second time reading this and i loved it just as much as the first. Thanks once again for a brilliant story.
Guest chapter 28 . 11/21/2023
Awe come on! Can't there be a few one shots? This Harry holding Daphy?! Please?
gusjo chapter 6 . 11/16/2023
Why introduce a stronger Imperius? I mean, what is the point, this kind of thing bothers me because the Imperius would reasonably be one of those spells that are essentially perfected. It also adds nothing, or at least very little, compared to just a normal but skillfully applied Imperius & Obliviation. Less is more.
ELIMINATOR-99 chapter 28 . 11/14/2023
Story is trash. the author could've redeemed draco but punishes characters for what they did in a past life? that's pathetic writing. there's a lot of other issues such as the author overusing all caps and especially WHAT?!
NhaTrang chapter 28 . 11/1/2023
Thank you wholeheartedly for polishing up, and then presenting, this amazing tale. Well done.
NhaTrang chapter 4 . 11/1/2023
"... curse you all the way back to your father's balls!"

Full of awesome.
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