Reviews for Two Minds, One Wand
Simianpower chapter 22 . 12/15/2023
If Harry actually TRIED to screw his way to the top he'd be far better off than he is now. But instead he's playing seduction games, backing away when girls are literally throwing themselves at him, all so that he can be "the good guy". No wonder he's losing. At the start of the story he was an even mix of Harry and Tom, but the Tom part has been so minimized over the past 15 chapters that he's like an entirely different, much weaker person. Tom's knowledge that was so OP in the first few chapters has turned out to be little but sand. Tom's attitude of power first has been set aside. Harry banged Cissy in chapter ONE, was fairly decisive about getting Hannah... and then stopped trying. He could've had, with just a LITTLE more effort, Fleur, Hermione, Cissy's daughter who I haven't even bothered to remember, Cho, and more, but when they literally offer themselves to him he says no.

This isn't the story I thought it'd be. It's become lame, and completely betrayed its initial premise and promise. I no longer care who wins any of this. It's failed as a smut story, and it's failed as a "serious" story as well, all by trying to straddle the divide and have both hero-Harry AND ruthless-Harry at the same time.
4Alucard chapter 50 . 12/14/2023
I could honestly enjoy this story with just Voldemort being the big bad in the background that is rarley mentioned or seen. You have great character interactions
4Alucard chapter 48 . 12/14/2023
Ah, Ginny the typical stupid girl.
4Alucard chapter 43 . 12/14/2023
Ah, i dont know how i feel about your choice to let Voldemort coem to that conclusion. I was kinda hopping Harry would just fumble around in the past.
Simianpower chapter 20 . 12/13/2023
Well... this chapter started out interesting and got less so really fast. For a story that started out with Harry slam-fucking Cissy, it seems to have lost interest in its own basic premise.
TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 64 . 12/13/2023
Daphne ducks consequences yet again eh.
Tigers-Tall-Tails chapter 64 . 12/13/2023
I'm hoping the Ginny and Susan storylines progress soon. It's clear that Ginny is in a bad way, and has been for a while. Something for Harry to grill the Headmaster on. I know that Harry has made it clear to Ron that he isn't going to pursue her, but I think the Great Hall mystery might set up some interesting opportunities. If the news of Ginny's possession gets out, the Ministry might try and hold her, or turn her over to the Department of Mysteries in an attempt to get access to Voldi's memories. Forcing Harry to name her a Concubine or a Mistress in order to give her protection. Yes, it would cost some favours, but the fear that Ginny had in asking if Harry would always come for her really resonated with me as a reader.
Simianpower chapter 16 . 12/12/2023
How does this Harry even know Tonks? He first met her the summer after fourth year when she and several others snuck him out of the Dursley's house and to Sirius's house. That didn't happen here since he was busy fucking Narcissa. He SAW her once at the Greengrass Manor, but how he knew her at that point was also never explained since neither Harry nor Voldemort had any reason to know who she was. So why are they both acting like they know each other?
Simianpower chapter 14 . 12/11/2023
Shields and conjuration are NOT first-year spells, unless Hogwarts is far, FAR behind the rest of the world. They're fourth to sixth year spells. Did you even read the books, or only fanfictions?

And I doubt Harrymort is going to react well to being drugged. So far he's been way too much the boy wannabe, not the Dark fucker. Sure, he killed Malfoy, but who cares? Around women and even girls he's callow as shit.
TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 63 . 12/11/2023
That was a fun little murder mystery, the big reveal was well done.
Simianpower chapter 13 . 12/11/2023
"This is a 2001 Chateau de Pompey"... uhh, wut? It's Harry's fifth year, 1995! How did he get a wine from 6 years in the future, and who'd want such a young wine anyway? Not a single word in this story or its intro suggested this was a modernized version of HP, nor have we seen any signs that technology of the 2000 era has affected the world in any way. This came out of nowhere!
TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 62 . 12/11/2023
Hmmm Percy?
Simianpower chapter 4 . 12/10/2023
Every time the story jumps from third person to first and back is jarring. It happens a lot. Very amateurish and offputting. Pick a viewpoint and stick to it! Otherwise not bad.
Guest chapter 64 . 12/8/2023
TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 61 . 12/9/2023
He gets closer and closer to mucking around in the past.
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