Reviews for Will of Fire
Guest chapter 6 . 2/14
Oh this was funny! Loving the story so far!
The Timeline chapter 2 . 2/16
He just took on a goddess why the hell would he be scared of puny mortals
random reader 44 chapter 24 . 2/13
When are you going to update this story? I hope it is updated soon.
breakingfall525 chapter 24 . 2/5
Hi bro, how are you? I hope you are well more than anything happy and great 2025 for you that everything you think you can fulfill it, second there will be an update soon of this story, is my favorite of all the xover of Naruto & One Piece apart that has a pairing with Naruto x Boa Sandersonia (little used and written has much potential) well bro I will wait patiently and I want to see how this fanfic xover and its plot continues hugs take care and greetings from Argentina.
TheGoodDoctor13 chapter 24 . 2/4
pretty good story, wish there was more
1st one coming chapter 24 . 2/3
Hi there, ive really been enjoying the will of fire and wanted to ask if there are going to be any updates soon?
Yami-Ra atem Inifinity Juubi chapter 24 . 2/2
your on my favorite author list
NarutoDKurosaki chapter 24 . 1/31
Keep it up bro. Can't wait for Marineford
chewbacca420 chapter 1 . 1/30
So, if you're looking for an idea on how to give Naruto haki the his sword should do. Have him communicate with the spirit of the sword and draw in its power for himself. Then Kurama can incorporate it into his and Naruto's natural power set. That way both Kurama and Naruto will have haki. Another suggestion if you do decide to give Naruto haki is that the One Piece world has a will of its own. Naruto being a non devil fruit user "which is important because the One Piece world curses devil fruit users" and a sage would allow Naruto to theoretically channel the will of the One Piece world itself. Stacking Naruto's will, Kurama's will and the world's will would create a level of haki unheard of. You could also mix senjutsu's physical enhancement with armament haki to provide an even greater boost. Senjutsu's perception boost mixed with Kurama's empathic abilities and observation haki/future sight would also stack on each other. Finally, Naruto's and Kurama's KI mixed with Conquerors haki would be incredibly powerful. Especially considering ryou. Adding that all of this would be with the combined will's of Naruto, Kurama and the world itself...he'd be unbeatable. His conquerors haki could kill at that point. Or if you don't want an omniscient omnipotent god Naruto go with that they don't mix and Kurama as a bijuu can't have haki.
moadmide8 chapter 24 . 1/21
COOOOOOOL ch 25 is i must to go naruto vs akanu raond 2 is cameing soooooon
Animelover1818 chapter 24 . 1/20
Please update soon! really love this story. I hope you follow up with smoothie soon. I really want to see Naruto meet white beard and if you could when he does please have him point out that he doesn’t have a beard.
Guest chapter 24 . 1/9
Whoot whoot! Things are about to amp up
General Kain of Whirlpools chapter 17 . 1/8
Technically, Naruto learned the Rasengan over the course of several weeks. He completed the final step during the week long bet he had against Tsunade.

And he only masters it in the War, being able to use it with 1 hand.

Yamato getting her own Rasengan is suck as hell, btw.
General Kain of Whirlpools chapter 4 . 1/8
hmm. i hope Six Paths Sage Mode is top tier. raised a brow when she blocked him.

then agsin Observation haki is busted
Danirodriguez1995 chapter 24 . 1/3
Please continue with the story, it's very good. Please don't give up, a story that really has no comparison. I can tell you this because I'm a big fan of this type of stories and the truth is that they have no comparison.
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