Reviews for In Another Life
daliaguerrero96 chapter 1 . 6/27/2024
Hello, I want to reread “In Another Life” where can I get it? I loved that fanfic and the chapters are not published
Trickster22084 chapter 1 . 1/6/2024
Are you removing your stories?
edwardfan111 chapter 1 . 12/17/2023
Any chance to get an pdf of this story. It’s an absolute favourite and I’m not on Facebook so not able to access that way? Thanks for any help!
reading.wth.monal chapter 1 . 12/14/2023
What happened to the other chapters? This is one of my favourite fanfiction to read. Are you reposting them or something? I hope you post the rest of the chapters soon.
zopia chapter 1 . 12/12/2023
I love this story so much! Are you okay? Im crying in here, Meg
miranda04 chapter 1 . 12/12/2023
Oh, geez. I was just getting started on this story and it looks like you've taken it down (and a bunch? all? others).

What's happening with your stories. WIsh you'd say something in your bio or in these first chapters you've left up.
Oaklandblackouts chapter 1 . 12/12/2023
I absolutely love this storyI'm confused though, are you editing and reposting everything?
Rose1816 chapter 47 . 11/13/2023
I absolutely love this story!
EskiPop chapter 18 . 10/23/2023
Gaaahhh. They both should be divorced. Edward doesnt love his wife and has feelings for the woman next door.

And Bella has been emotionally cheating for a while now. They are both emotionally invested. They should have started divorce procedings by now.

I would have preferred they didnt have affairs. Though they have great chemistry
Dollybigmomma chapter 47 . 10/14/2023
Well done. I don't condone cheating, and I believe they should have gotten their divoces first, but unless you've wasted years being abused by a narcissist by being belittled, neglected, deceived, betrayed, financially drained, minimalized, rejected, ignored, gaslighted, and even physically harmed, you really can't appreciate the nuances of this story. Gianna and Jared are both ABUSERS who damaged their spouses and children in ways that are reprehensible. I should know, I've been there and suffered that myself for 35 years. Glad you wrote B/E as strong enough to save themselves and their sons.
Iersseltje chapter 47 . 10/7/2023
What a great story. I love how you wrote about their struggeling feelings. Thank you for sharing.
Colleen Alize chapter 47 . 10/5/2023
This is actually my 2nd time reading this fic. I LOVE the way you described how they fell for each other and how they shared it with each other. I never thought I'd like this type of story, but I absolutely loved it. Thank you for sharing
sue1zide chapter 8 . 9/9/2023
I’m a Shazam user and this made me feel old. Lol! Is there anything else that you use? I’m curious.
4hsty chapter 47 . 8/22/2023
I guess that now that I read everything I have the right to say: this subject is not my cup of tea, I had to take several breaks as sometimes it was too much. I hate the idea of everything that happened since the beginning. But I loved the way you wrote the story, sometimes too raw, but always with quality. I loved your characters! It was like a fresh air to see how you included other characters, beyond those that we already learned to hate. Thank you so much for it
Monnie Mcintosh chapter 47 . 8/18/2023
What an emotional roller coaster. I loved every bit of it. You are soooo talented. Thank you️️️️️️
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