Reviews for Beyond Critical
Blackholelord chapter 22 . 1/26
I am personally happy that Issei experience that, that guy is not liked because of his severe perverted nature. Everyone is a pervert on the inside, but that guy doesn't care who sees this from himself.
gigamans57 chapter 15 . 1/26
The self-wank with Issei going on about how amazing your SI is, is a little... lame. I don't really care because I genuinely dislike Issei in a way that grates on me more than any other protagonist, even if it fits in DxD, he's just so awful. Still though.
FillyDashie chapter 28 . 1/25
It is always an awesome day when my favorite author uploads a chapter
WOLF-GOST chapter 28 . 1/25
interesting more pl
DieterB chapter 28 . 1/25
Webnovel update?
kewizt.cs chapter 28 . 1/25
Thank you for giving us that last scene, I liked it, it was very sweet.
Ludwing Zamora Donoso chapter 28 . 1/25
Good job
Frawnx chapter 28 . 1/25
Ugh id wish you upload here more often
I love your stories
Mangaworm256 chapter 28 . 1/25
My imitation of Issei in this fic.
Samuel Santillan chapter 28 . 1/25
I loved it, good chapter.
PasiveNox chapter 28 . 1/25
Great wonderful chapter
Guest chapter 28 . 1/25
Not gonna lie but it feels like your dragging this out way too much then it needs to be. I hope this training montage (even though there's barely any training so far) ends soon because its getting too boring
Guest chapter 28 . 1/25
Great having a new chapter

Simply put love the time spent with Rias this chapter
Guest chapter 28 . 1/24
like how simple Kaito makes dealing with Riser though as he says simple does not mean easy
Guest chapter 28 . 1/24
Loved the chapter! Rias overthinking risers Immortality brings to mind a saying I heard, "an idiot admires complexity, a genius admire simplicity".

Looking forward to more!
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