Reviews for Harry Potter and the Stitch in Time
Fast Frank chapter 70 . 2/6
Excellent chapter, very enjoyable.
Hands Off MY Wolfie chapter 71 . 16h
The trap was mostly successful, Bella got away but her being insane probably didn't hurt there either.

Breaking down Tom's minions into categories could help them capture/kill some inner circle DEs who come along to supervise their 'trainees'.

Harry giving a practical defensive demonstration and then discussing the pros and cons will help the students learn, and possibly one day save their lives.

Thanks for sharing.
Doctor Lumos chapter 71 . 2/7
Thank you for an enjoyable chapter. I wish though that they had not felt compelled to reveal that the "girl" was a raven. They lost that element of surprise for little of value.
Guest chapter 71 . 2/5
Another great chapter, keep up the great work.
starlite22 chapter 71 . 2/7
Enjoying it, but need to know if the raven is ok
fraewyn chapter 71 . 2/6
Love it!
jada951 chapter 71 . 2/5
training is always a good thing.
too bad Sirius didn't catch itttl murdering bella!
fortinpatric chapter 71 . 2/5
Merci pour le chapitre
jkarr chapter 70 . 2/5
nice update
CallaRose4ever chapter 71 . 2/5
: ) good update it was enjoyable.
alix33 chapter 71 . 2/5
I dislike children but I feel sorry for the orphaned raven.
According to collinsdictionary dot com counterattack should be one word. As should "sidestep".
You meant "he shifted into Padfoot" and "amounts to cannon fodder".
According to collinsdictionary dot com right-handed needed a hyphen. As should "high-rise". And "slip-up". And "last-minute". And "life-or-death".
I have never had custard cream biscuits. And for the last two weeks of January I and many of my coleagues attended an Audio Preservation Training Programme in our building where there was cheap chicory powder (probably just like the coffee Sirius got him and Amelia) pretending to be instant cofffee on offer each tea break and lunch. I am not used to taking a formal tea or lunch break when working but the very basic catered lunches were nice to have.
Hudy Leak613 chapter 71 . 2/5
I can’t wait for next week to come. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and liked it a lot.
SilverBladeStar chapter 71 . 2/5
Great chapter. But didn't you say that Proudfoot died last chapter?
arisu freedomstrikes chapter 1 . 2/5
Hello Dear,
I hope this message finds you well! I recently had the chance to read your story "Harry Potter and the Stitch in Time" and I was completely captivated. Your narrative is so engaging that I could instantly envision it as a breathtaking comic or animation.
My name is James, and I’m a professional artist specializing in comics, manga, character design, and animation. I work exclusively on a commission basis, providing high-quality, custom artwork that brings creative visions to life.
If you’re interested in commissioning (Paid) a project to turn your story into a visually stunning piece of art, I’d love to discuss the details. You can reach me through any of the following platforms:
Discord: freedomstrikes6523
Instagram: freedomstrikes007
Twitter: freedom_strikes
Email: freedomstrikes0111 gmail .com

Best regards,
Guest chapter 1 . 1/28
I luv harmony stories which dont have a jealous ron
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