Reviews for Great Grand-Uncle Schimmelhorn's Toolbox
jnautking chapter 49 . 1/29
Love this can't wait for more
viningc chapter 49 . 1/21
Thank you for your story. I hope you are able to finish it.
Great story chapter 49 . 12/31/2024
I really like this story, a lot of humour and great character development. Think it would be good to see Amy and Vicky exploring the DWU with Lisa and Taylor, Amy meeting the Medic and getting along, and after discussing some of the injuries she sees at the DWU, Amy decides she will spend time there as they don’t go to the hospital, Vicky seeing Lisa’s hat and deciding that they must finish the outfit, then when the PRT, New Wave and the DWU are having a “serious” conversation about Rachel ie Carol saying how much she could sue the PRT for, they walk in all 4 dressed as pirates and Assault saying he wants an official pirate outfit :-)
And will UNION get 2 more members
Kilroy chapter 10 . 11/29/2024
I bet it's not just kinetic energy she can change, but thermal energy as well. She could release objects cooled to cryogenic temperatures, or as super-heated plasma.
She might even be able to affect the strong and weak nuclear forces, but I would suggest testing that sort of thing at a great distance from herself...
irgendwe chapter 40 . 11/27/2024
is that a Pratchett reference?
I reckon it's Mort
Shadeymankey chapter 20 . 11/23/2024
I love this story. They have ex spetznaz and who knows who all else in the union. There is mo reason those boys couldnt trqin up a truly terrifying agency, self funded by all the criminals they stop. All off the bacj of papa’s teachings.
RevDorothyL chapter 49 . 11/12/2024
This is a magnificent story, funny as heck but also incredibly inventive and full of character insights! I hope to read more of this some day, when you're inspired and able to update.

Brilliant work! :)
Duchess67 chapter 49 . 11/1/2024
Yaaaaayyyy, Rachel has been healed and so has Angelica!
Taylor and Lisa grabbing Cricket and all that money, are the girls going to play Robinhood and give it all back?
Ted Hsu chapter 49 . 10/28/2024
Oh, Melody, you're about to join Alabaster and Victor. In the hidey-hole only Agent Gimme knows about.

It's also been about 4 and a half months, so how long before the next chapter?
deathjester3 chapter 49 . 10/26/2024
Well, I am really enjoying this! Super well written - thanks!
skylorbaker14 chapter 49 . 10/14/2024
Loved this hole fic and cant wait to see more
NeverEnderMan chapter 49 . 9/22/2024
So I am absolutely loving this story! I do have a complaint. The powers that Taylor had are fascinating and has a ton of potential uses, but the majority of this story is just talking. All the characters are doing is talking about doing things, talking about powers, talking TO powers, talking about birds, talking about secret organizations, etc. just talking talking talking. Nobody’s actually DOING anything, at least not anything with stakes. I mean you STILL haven’t started interrogating the nazis. Are you writing bland chapter with no action because you are worried if you don’t write safely you might mess something up? This is worm and nothing has happened in like ten chapters! The way you write is fantastic and your attention to detail is incredible but cmon there are evil super powered monsters all over and this is just a slice of life? I’m going to keep reading no matter what but are things going to ramp up anytime soon? I want to see U.N.I.O.N actually kick ass man!
gremlin914 chapter 49 . 9/16/2024
Yes, except for the empire. But who cares about them, and it funny in addition. Tyfc
gremlin914 chapter 46 . 9/16/2024
The raven most evil, Edgar
Priest chapter 49 . 9/12/2024
It's interesting stories so far I'd love to see more of it sometime in the future.
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