Reviews for Legends Never Die
FlyingDutchm4n chapter 107 . 9h
"Hey kids, wanna see something cool!?"

Proceeds to conquer all of Northern Eurasia and call it the Great Nord Empire just to see if it'll give Charlemagne an aneurism.
Kalstorm99 chapter 107 . 12h
Great chapter! I'm excited to see what Seigfried has planned that is "much bigger".
Guest chapter 107 . 21h
Scandinavian Empire incoming?
RuneFather chapter 107 . 16h
linx007 chapter 107 . 17h
I wonder if sometime far into the future Charlemagne is going to realize that every time he talks to Siegfried he inspires him to go even bigger than previously planned. I imagine should that thought ever form he'll beat his head against something repeatedly.
majored chapter 107 . 18h
i love this story. i love crusader kings. i love vikings. this is one of my favorite stories of all time. thank you for writing it.
Darkantos chapter 107 . 18h
OMG yes! World CONQUEST is GOOOOOOOOOOO! Get that prestige farm up and running, we got kingdoms and empires to consume. No border gore as you go.
EvilHound chapter 107 . 19h
Great stuff!
EvilHound chapter 105 . 19h
North Sea Empire Baby!
TomoShikii chapter 1 . 20h
Awesome chapter thank you author!
Tony McNucklz chapter 106 . 21h
And so Charlemagne by being as Great as he is, accidentally inspired Seigfried a second time. I very much hope that like he just found out and now regrets he inspired Seigfried to delay his return home to learn and grow, that he also inspired Seigfried here to look beyond his peoples borders, and one day Seigfried will tell him so in person. It's a rather delicious scene, with Charlemagne realising Seigfrieds vexation of him is not a result of his own poor decisions, but simply that Charlegmane is so bedamned admirable in capabikity that he unwittingly inspired the biggest thorn in his side he's had to deal with.
PasiveNox chapter 107 . 22h
Thanks for the great chapter
Dr. Dragon chapter 107 . 2/5
So a united Scandanavia to stand in opposition to a restored Rome?
Travis99 chapter 105 . 2/5
Are we looking at a bigger kingdom by seig?
Travis99 chapter 107 . 2/5
Loved it, the meeting was illuminating
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