Reviews for The Guild of Gamers: The Nightmare
Kaua chapter 16 . 11/1
Update please
yatayata chapter 12 . 11/3
Should replicate 'the platform' it'd fit well with the other chalenges
MawOfTheVoid chapter 16 . 10/24
Another amazing story.
Mr EDD chapter 16 . 10/22
Love it
cajolinghalo2 chapter 16 . 10/22
i would love to see this but with worm
Guest chapter 16 . 10/3
"Fear scares some people... but some people it liberates. Which one are you?"

aSIkAmIKaSe chapter 16 . 10/4
primero que nada: gracias shiro
segundo: esta es definitivamente mi historia favorita, espero en verdad que sigan saliendo mas capítulos, los esperare con ansias
OoOXylionOoO chapter 2 . 9/27
Thanks for the chapter.
OoOXylionOoO chapter 1 . 9/27
Kairan1979 chapter 16 . 9/26
Looking forward to see the corporate CEO's facing Poison Ivy's game.
Kairan1979 chapter 14 . 9/26
Diana is really naive if she things she can turn Danae against Legion.
ngocnv371 chapter 2 . 9/26
I’m probably deranged, but i like this a lot
ImmortalDuck chapter 16 . 9/23
Thanks for the chapter
ImmortalDuck chapter 14 . 9/23
Really good chapter
ImmortalDuck chapter 10 . 9/23
This is probably my favorite story by Shiro (although I haven't read many of them, so that doesn't really say much XD)
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